The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 20

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(One Month Later)

Vinny Butler

I was sitting on the couch, watching tv, there was a football game on. My sister Kaitlyn was sitting beside me reading a book. My mother was cooking dinner in the kitchen. My dad and older brother weren't home, they were at some store looking for something.

The Raptors were up ten on the Blues, it was supposed to be a close game, but I guess it won't end up being one. The Raptors were already driving again, if they score, this game would be over very quickly.

"Vinny, can I turn the channel?" My sister asked, I had the remote on the other side of me so she couldn't reach it. "I don't want to watch this anymore, and I am done reading." She paused for a second and added. "You've had plenty of time to watch what you want."

"No." I told her, shaking my head as I watched an incomplete pass happen. "I am watching the game." I turned my head and looked at her, she had placed the book she was reading down on the table before us and was now looking for the remote.

"Where's the remote?" She asked, not listening to me. "I'm turning on something else, the game is over anyways." I grabbed the remote beside me and made sure she couldn't reach it. "Vinny." She said my name, leaning over and reaching for the remote. "Give it."

"Kaitlyn, I'm watching the game." I told her once again, holding the remote still so she couldn't get it. "Mom!" I shouted, and as she continued to lean on me and reach for the remote, I added. "Kaitlyn is hitting me!"

"Kaitlyn, stop hitting your brother." My mother shouted and my sister relaxed, and as we made eye contact, I could tell she wasn't happy at the moment. "Just watch the game." I smirked, and the frustration grew on her face.

"I didn't hit him!" She shouted back. "I don't want to watch this anymore, mom!" There was no response, just a loud sigh from my mother that told my sister to stop. "You always get what you want, it's so annoying."

"Haha." I laughed in her face, placing the remote down again, and as I did, she reached for it and I shouted. "Mom!" Kaitlyn quickly backed up, and I continued to smirk as I went back to watching the game.

"Vinny, please." She said, looking at me, but I just shook my head. "Uhh!" Kaitlyn stood up from the couch and stormed off, taking her book with her as she made her way to her room up the steps.

"Dinner is almost ready!" My mother shouted to my sister and me, letting her know that she was going to have to come back down soon. I don't even know what she is making, but I can tell it smells really good.

I tuned into the game as the Raptors scored again, their quarterback threw an absolute gem to the wide out for a touchdown. I hope one day that I am on a team like that, playing professional football, that's my dream, and I am going to make it a reality when I get older.


Liam Carnell

I felt a hand on my shoulder as my eyes opened and they shook me. "Liam." Emma's voice rang in my ears. "It's time." She said as I sat up and rubbed my eyes, it was the middle of the day, I was taking a nap after training with Jade. "Your mother is in labor."

"She's having the baby right now?" I asked, and Emma nodded her head with a smile on her face as she sat down on the bed beside me. I have to admit, sleeping in a bed again was nice. The crib was fine, there was nothing bad about it, but I'd prefer this.

"The Queen is having the baby." Emma said, holding my hand as I sat against my pillows. "We can't go and see her just yet, but when she has the baby, you'll be allowed to see it." I was going to be an older brother; I couldn't believe it. "So, how about we go into the living room and wait until we get word?"

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