The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 8

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(I think I'm going to start posting a chapter a week, I really want to continue this)

Liam Carnell

My heart was actually racing, my tiny little heart as my mother took me away from the scene of the burnt hallway. "Are you okay, Liam? My precious angel, are you okay?" She had a worried expression to her, but we were just attacked in our own home, so it makes sense.

"My Queen." Jade appeared to our side. "This way, the King is waiting for you in the living room." We turned the corner toward the living room where my father was waiting for us. "Astrid is handling the cleanup, and I am not leaving the Prince's side on any orders." 

"I appreciate that, Jade." My mother told her. "And I understand, I'm the one who sent you away." My mother's hand was sweaty as it rested on my stomach, she was still worried. "Emma, please go and get a diaper for Liam, I never got to change him." 

"Yes, my Queen." Emma was with us the entire time, she turned around, and set off for another diaper. The four guards around us seemed flustered, like they were afraid another attack would go down.

Jade was by our side, she didn't seem worried, if anything, she seemed upset that she didn't get to fight. I only saw the thing for a small amount of time, but it didn't seem like a human, it was like a demon, or a devil, but there's a demon race, and it seemed like my mother didn't recognize the thing either.

If that is what magic fights were like, the destruction in the hallway scared me, the loud noises, spells being fired back and forth, they fought to the death. Is that common in this world? If so, maybe I don't want to use magic, no, I need to, I still want to have fun with it, but I may need to reconsider everything.

"Liam, calm down." My mother said, her blue eyes locked with mine. "I can feel his baby heart racing, that can't be good for him." She was holding me really close to her as we made our way through the halls, everyone seemed to be in a hurry after the attack, but we were the royal family, so it was a big deal.

"I'm sure he's fine." Jade told her. "The noises of the battle probably got to him, and Ajax did his duty, he didn't allow the creature to reach you two." My mother had tears in her eyes, but I don't think it was because she was afraid of what would happen, I think it was more towards me, she didn't want to see anything happen to me.

"I know, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to him." She told her as we turned down the last hall, the living room came into view at the end of it. "Liam, calm yourself." I was trying, but I couldn't control my heart, it was just beating, and the idea of fighting like they just did, scared me.

I could see Odin up ahead, the big Royal Guard member standing in front of the living room doors with eight guards aligning the wall. When he saw us coming, he stepped our way, it didn't seem like he was worried, but he immediately spoke up when we got close enough.

"Queen Sara, is the Prince all right?" Odin in his manly voice spoke up, looking from my mother to me as we stopped right in front of him, getting ready to go into the living room to see my father.

"Yes, thanks to Ajax nothing bad had happened to either of us." My mother told him, and I could see that this information made him seem a little happier, which was surprising cause of how serious he usually was. "Is Curtis, alright?"

"He's only worried about you, my Queen." Odin told her, motioning for us to go into the living room. "He's in there waiting for you, I would go right on in." My mother nodded with a smile on her face, it seemed like a fake on, she was still stressing over everything. 

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