The Ten Kingdoms - Chapter 18

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(Seven Months Later)

"Liam, only conjure one." Jade told me as I brought forth a shadow hand, conjuring it out of my own, standing within the training grounds across from her. "It about control, not conjuring as many as you can." 

I nodded my head and pushed the hand forward, aiming at her as she stood there, her purples eyes on me, watching my every movement, making sure I was safe while doing this. It was a simple spell, but if I would lose control, anything could happen. I understand she was my protector, but we are trying to improve my skills, so I wanted to conjure as many as I could.

"Good, keep going." Jade told me and I continued doing what I was doing, conjuring this one hand and trying to reach her across the room, and as it did get to her, a hole opened up and swallowed it, Jade's magic. "That was better, Prince Liam, you have grown in strength and in height over the last couple months." She spoke with a smile the whole time as she started walking towards me as I placed my hand down and stopped manipulating mana. "Emma should be back soon."

I wanted to continue, I loved manipulating and conjuring spells, it was so fascinating. There was nothing like this in my old world, and I don't see how I will ever not get over how awesome it is to be a mage. I might only have one spell at the moment, but Jade thinks that I will be able to master some of the elite shadow spells like she has.

"Go again?" I asked her, looking up into her eyes as she stopped before me, one thing that I have been doing more over the last seven months was talking. I was now two, so it felt like it was an appropriate time to begin speaking a little more.

"No, that's enough for today." Jade told me, rubbing the top of my head with her hand. "We've been here for an hour now; don't you want to do something else?" She asked, and then smirked as she asked about something else. "Or is it that you rather be too tired for your formal lessons so that you can skip them?"

"Maybe." I said with a smile on my face, looking away from her. Emma has been teaching me manners, how to speak to others when in a royal setting, how to eat properly, how to sit, it was all way too much, and I hated it. I knew I was going to have to do it at some point, but it really sucks, and as I say it, one of the rules was that a Prince should never swear.

"I know it isn't fun, but you have to go." She told me as we turned to the exit of the training room and started toward it. "You need to know how to act in public when your older, you know that, right?" I nodded my head. "Your parents just want you to be ready."

We passed a couple of guards at the exit, protecting us from any intruders, and then turned down the long hallway that led all the way to the living room. It was a long walk, but I was able to do it now, my legs were a lot stronger and capable.

"I know you just want to go outside of the palace and see the Kingdom, but you need to be able to act properly out there in the world." She told me, it was funny to me how she slowed her pace so much for me, I might be able to walk a lot more, but I was not fast at all. "When you turn five, you'll go off and journey around the Kingdom, you have to be ready.'

"I can't wait." I told her with a smile on my face, it was the truth, besides the whole formal thing, I was happy about being able to see the Kingdom, supposedly there's a lot of people I haven't met that I need to. Emma talked to me about that trip very briefly, it's so far away that I don't think about it. "Emma said we get to visit the elves and other races."

"Yeah, you do." She said, I didn't learn much, but I did learn about a city named Leafside, it was an elven city, anyone can live there, but there are mostly elves there. "Oh, there she is right now." I could see Jade point forward, coming our way was my caretaker, Emma had a smile on her face, but it wasn't from seeing me, it was there before she looked at me. 

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