Soft warrior heart

144 11 0

Main character
Indie Blake

The 100

Love interest
Usher as Henry Cavill??

Indie Blake was a mistake.
She was never meant to be born in many eyes.

But to her mother and big brother she was gift sent from heaven. When Bellamy mother told him she's pregnant again while she held the little Octavia trying to shush her cries, he was terrified.

It was already hard enough hiding Octavia away and now another baby is coming, how were they going to hide two forbidden kids from the guard's?

When little indie was born she scared the life out of her mother and brother seeing as she made no sound only whimpering quietly. They soon found out she was just quiet not like her older sister Octavia who cried senselessly.

She was like an angel, instead of crying for attention she would just happily stare up at you with her big eyes shining with innocence that Bellamy promised himself that she'll remain it.

Don't get him wrong he loves Octavia with all his heart but Indie was his home, his peace, his precious baby sister who never failed to put a smile on his face just by her presence.

Aurora and Bellamy tried their best to give the girls everything they could in there situation but it was hard. It got harder when Bellamy let them go to a  masquerade ball on the ark but they got caught, Bellamy blamed himself for how his sisters got locked up and his mother floated.

Octavia and Indie unfortunately got split up leaving Indie afraid as she has never been alone before. Fortunately though the guy locked up next to her made her feel eased as he talked and listened to her rambling happily. Finn became like a second brother to her and as her to him, there was just something about indie that made Finn want to protect her.

Suddenly guards come in and forcefully put a band on her wrist before injecting her, making her fall unconscious with the last thing she heard was finn yelling for her. She than wakes up on a ship with Jaha on the screen explaining how they have gotten another chance, that there going to earth.

She was scared but than she heard a voice she thought she would never hear again.

Meanwhile usher got word of something landing on his territory making him send his people out to see what it is. Usher was a grounder but not any grounder, he was the king of grounders ruling earth having everyone bend a knee to him.

He was not heartless per se but more cold, he would do anything to keep his people save but when they come back looking shaken up but excited. They revealed that the girl who a sear predicted to come to earth and was gonna be their saviour, a girl who needed to be protected and was suppose to be Usher's  soulmate, his other half was here.

They knew it was her with the other sky people cause before the sear died she painted a picture of her and told them to look for Indie Blake cause she would be their salvation.

For once in his life usher had a smile on his face and demanded that the girl, his girl was not harmed and when the time comes they will meet but not everything happens how it should.

For once in his life usher had a smile on his face and demanded that the girl, his girl was not harmed and when the time comes they will meet but not everything happens how it should

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