~ daydreamer WTS ~

368 26 4

Main character
Zaria Gilbert

Vampire diaries
( watching the show )

Love interest
The Mikaelson's

Zaria Gilbert the famous Elena gilbert twin sister who always had her heads in the clouds, her father fondly called her dreamy as she was always daydreaming.

Everyone who knew Zaria gilbert, knows how much she daydreams some found it cute, however some found it annoying well only her twin sister found it annoying. Everyone else found it endearing especially her "father".  Everyone in mystic falls knew how much Grayson Gilbert adored his youngest daughter, he would do anything for her, one call from her and he'll drops everything.

Elena hates how her twin had not only her there father but everyone wrapped around her finger, making Elena despise her, she's better than her weak daydreaming sister why does she always get attention!

No matter how mean Elena is to her Zaria always cared for her and it hurts her when Elena be's mean to her. They use to be as thick as thieves, she always wonder what happen and thinks it's her fault.

A person sees how the sweet daydreamer life turns out and what's to stop it so she's sends everyone important to a room to watch there futures and the original founds their mate in an unexpected daydreaming doppelgänger.

A person sees how the sweet daydreamer life turns out and what's to stop it so she's sends everyone important to a room to watch there futures and the original founds their mate in an unexpected daydreaming doppelgänger

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