- unfortunate history repeated WTM -

332 20 4

Main character
Stella malfoy

Harry Potter

Love interest
Ron Weasley

Stella malfoy is exactly like her second cousin Sirius black with her hate for superiority, and it got her disowned.

Or when

Stella and her friends go to the past to show them the future so they could stop the horrors and bloodshed and Lucius malfoy watches in horror of how he became a monster and his father Abraxa watched in disgust to see his son treat the first girl in the Malfoy family in centuries horribly.

Stella and her friends go to the past to show them the future so they could stop the horrors and bloodshed and Lucius malfoy watches in horror of how he became a monster and his father Abraxa watched in disgust to see his son treat the first girl ...

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