Chapter 26

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-8 years ago-

She fucked up her whole life and everything she'd worked for...

The Cuban woman's eyes peeled open, greeted with an unfamiliar ceiling. Forcing them open she was greeted with the rays of the days first light. It was early.

She was facing a large window that overlooked the city and could see the entire city skyline. Although her head pulsed, she groggily sat up, feeling a soft sheet glide off of her torso.

It looked similar to the view from her office..

Her hazel eyes looked around, not completely comprehending where she was. There was a door to a bathroom and a closet, different paintings in golden frames, a bedside table to her side and deep blue sheets in her lap.

Her brain finally switched on.

Sheets. She was in someone's bed. Shit. She didn't have blue sheets.

Safia's gaze turned to the other side of the bed.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Her stomach dropped, throat tightening. Whether it was because of her situation or all the shots she did last night- she wasn't sure. Safia couldn't look away from the sleeping blonde-haired man beside her.


How did this happen? Safia searched her brain, trying to sort through the foggy memories to figure out how she could've possibly done this.

"Careful doctor," she remembered his warning as she giggled, stumbling with him down the halls of level 99.

The doctor grinned, shaking her head childishly, "I don't need to be when I have the hero of heroes at my heels,"

"I don't have to be," he replied seriously, stopping in his steps to eye the usually professional and proper woman. Obviously that wasn't the case right now...

"What if I want you to be?" she stopped in her tracks, strutting over to the man, her eyes on him like a predator to their prey. He watched as she got close enough to walk her manicured fingers up the front of his suited chest. "Come on, John, you don't think I see you sneaking around my office? Peaking through my blouse? Looking up my skirt? You're not as sneaky as you think you are," she pointed, flashing those pretty doe eyes that made his knees feel weak.

Homelander took a sharp breath in, "why are you saying this doctor?"

"Safia..." she corrected.


"Because maybe we want the same thing.." the woman wondered aloud, grasping the front of his suit under his neck and pulling him down to her level so she could whisper in his ear, "do you want to fuck me John?"

Without a second thought, his hand tangled itself behind the doctors head and through her hair. His lips attacked hers.

His hands fell through her hair, to her waist, to her ass, finding themselves just below pinching and pulling at the fabric of her dress to go higher. The woman's leg rose high, latching itself around his waist. The heroes eyes only widened as she used her strength to climb him like a tree until both her legs were around him, her hands around his neck and through his blonde hair.

Her body grinded against him, eagerly gripping and kissing him passionately. It was so intense, even for a supe to bare. Safia invaded every one of his senses, her scent in his nostrils, her taste in his mouth, her touch all over. God, even the sounds of her soft moans in his ears.

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