Chapter 21

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"Annie?" Safia questioned as she opened the door, looking at the supe in her casual outfit. Her secret identity.

"I need to talk to you," Annie spoke urgently holding the doorframe.

The brunette shook her head quickly, "nows not a good time, I don't know when he'll be back and I'm about to go to the premiere."

Annie's eyes narrowed, her voice filled with frustration, "why are you so afraid of him?"

Safia sighed, glancing nervously past the door and down the hallway. It was clear. "Make it quick," she urged, opening the door wider and letting the obviously upset blonde into the apartment.

Taking a deep breath, Annie levelled her gaze at Safia.

"You lied to me," she accused, pointing at Safia with a shaky pointer finger.

Safia's brow furrowed in confusion, "what?"

"You told me Homelander was a good person, that you were together because you loved each other and supported each other. You said you were real, maybe the only thing Vought came out with that wasn't bullshit. You fucking lied to me Safia," Annie's voice trembled with anger, pacing back and forth struggling to hold her frustration.

"I never told you any of that, Annie, that was all you," Safia countered, watching the supe stop in her steps.

"Then tell me what the fucks going on and tell me about compound V!" Annie demanded, her frustration boiling over.

Safia's eyes widened in alarm, cocking her head, "who told you about compound V?"

"Hughie told me," Annie replied much quieter than before.

Safia felt a shiver down her spine, her hands reaching out to hold Annie by her forearms, speaking to her with all seriousness.

"Why the fuck are you still talking to him? Do you know what they'll do to you if they find out?" She interrogated, her hands gripping to the supe tightly, although it really didn't matter. It would have felt like nothing to the blonde supe.

Annie pressed on, ignoring Safia's warning, "is it really how supe's get their powers?"

Safia rolled her eyes, throwing her hands up in the air out of frustration and pacing backwards. "Oh come on, Annie of course it is," she professed bitterly, "this company is built on lies and marketing schemes, of course they lied about how you get powers."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Annie demanded, her voice cracking with hurt.

"You don't get it," Safia shot back, her frustration evident, her temper becoming unhinged. "Open your eyes Starlight! I don't get to speak unless they want me to, I don't leave without supervision, I wear what they pick for me and I don't spill secrets because they will hurt me and anyone I care about. That's why I didn't tell you."

Annie's eyes softened with empathy. "Why are you with Homelander?" she asked softly.

Safia's gaze fell to the floor, her voice barely a whisper. "You don't wanna know," she replied.

"Why not?"

"Because you won't feel sorry for me anymore," Safia admitted, her voice breaking. Her eyes met Annie's with an unknown gaze, "because it's all my fault."

Because she fucked up all those years ago.....

He had patrolled the entire tower by midday, storming up to Stillwells office quickly after.

Not only was she gone from that morning, she'd also missed their 10 o'clock appointment.

"Where is Doctor Torres?"

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