Chapter 9

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Picking up her purse, Safia walked backwards towards the exit. The closer she got to the side exit, the quicker she walked. Unfortunately, she obviously didn't take into account the other doors on this tent, or that Hughie was apparently a quick walker.

Ezekiel must have given him a quick answer because before she knew it Safia was making eye contact with Hughie only mere metres away.

'Fuck' she watched him mouth before rushing away. The brunette didn't know what to do, rushing away from the scene of the crime. The quicker she was the better it would be for her anyway.

"What took you so long?" The blonde man immediately interrogated the moment she walked in backstage. 

"I couldn't find it," she replied, holding up the bag as proof she'd found it eventually.

Ashley strutted over with her clipboard, pointing to the brunette, "Safia, you ready to introduce?"

"Of course," Safia replied, handing the red-head the purse.

The woman was quickly swarmed by two other individuals, one fixing up her make up and the other fitting her mic quickly. Once they had finished and did their final checks, they both moved away, leaving the hero and his girl side by side.

"You're going off script," she quizzed, although it sounded more like a statement.

He cocked his head down at her, "are you asking me or telling me you already know?"

The brunette smiled, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Now to present... Miss Safia Torres!" She was announced.

"Good luck," he told her, his hand smacking her behind lightly as she made her way to the stage.

Safia was handed a mic as she strutted on stage. Her hand waved widely as applause sounded loudly, people were screaming, hollering, whistling. If she got a nickel for every scream telling her how hot she was or how much they wanted to marry her.. she'd be a millionaire. Unnecessary considering the absurd amount of money John had and continued to accumulate.

She dropped her hand, standing in the middle at the front of the stage.

"Oh, thank you! That is such a beautiful welcome, I appreciate it so much! I am so privileged to be in front of all of you today.. Please excuse my accent, I will try my best to sound conprensible. Firstly, I would like to thank God for this beautiful day, for everything..." Safia spoke, beginning her speech.

Applause sounded. 

"And when I say everything, I mean everything, but I specifically mean the beautiful man I have the privilege to be with.. Homelander!" Speaking his name, her eyes cast towards the hero to see his large smile.

The crowd cheered wildly at his name.

"God is great and he creates greatness. No one is more deserving to be blessed with such gifts, fulfilling the purpose God has given him, protecting and watching over each and every one of us.

I am only human like the rest of you, but I am blessed to love a man who carries God's gifts, values and merit. We are all blessed by God to have our heroes protect us, save us, love us...

Without further adieu, I am privileged to introduce your next speaker, amor de mi vida... The one and only Homelander!" Safia introduced, ending with vivaciousness. She began walking towards him, attempting to exit the stage.

The man in blue walked out, waving ecstatically as he strutted to centre stage. John intercepted her with one hand around her waist. He hoisted her off the ground, twirling her in the air with one arm before kissing her lips gently. Safia's hands rested on his chest, kissing him back lightly before he placed her back on her feet, letting her walk to side stage.

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