Chapter 11

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"Oh, hi Ashley, I was hoping to see Safia?" Maeve uttered once the door opened. Instead of the short fiery brunette in front of the supe stood the consistently anxious PA.

Ashley's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets, a stressful smile painting her face. "Safs not feeling well today, sorry," she replied, keeping the door open enough just to let her head poke through.

"She's not feeling well?" Maeve frowned, squinting her eyes, watching the panic paint the red-head, "move Ashley,"


"Maeve you can't-"

"What the fuck has he done to her now?" she growled, pushing the door open and stomping past, "Safia!"

"Maeve if he finds you here-" The redhead rushed after her as Maeve looked around the apartment.

"He's out, Ashley," her thick accent replied, the brunette's head popping up behind the couch cushions, only her forehead and eyes visible to the supe. Her hand flicked the air, "he's not coming back in any hurry."

Of course he wouldn't. Why would he? That would mean facing what he had done and feeling guilty. Why should he feel guilty? She knew what she did. She knew the consequences.

"Saf..." she tried to reason.

Safia's hand flicked in the air, brushing off her concerns, "if he comes back I'll take the wrap, don't worry Ash."

"Fine," Ashley sighed, looking at her watch, "I have to meet with Stillwell, I'll be back."

Ashleys large eyes glanced to Safia once more, sending her that pitiful look once more before walking out the door, shutting it closed behind her.

The brunette lied back on the couch again, hidden behind the backrest of the couch, out of view of the female hero. At her actions, Maeve could only mentally prepare herself for what she would find behind that couch. Her booted feet carried herself to the couch, walking around it and glancing down at the curled up brunette.

"Holy shit..." Maeve gaped, looking at the discoloured skin painted across her body.

"Thanks Maeve," she smiled lightly, wincing at the feeling of her split lip stretching.

As the woman looked up Maeve was able to take in her entire appearance. The damage he had caused. "Oh my God what did he do to you?" she continued to question.

Safia's hazel eyes looked to the tv behind Maeve, pausing it and pointing at Starlight frozen on the screen midway through her speech.

"Starlight has really blown everything up, hasn't she?" Safia quizzed, looking up to Maeve's blue eyes, "I like her."

"God, every interview I've taken all they ask about is her," the supe complained, "she's a goodie-goodie."

"Need to have at least one, right?"

Maeve breathed in, reaching for the brunette, "can you sit up?"

"I can try," Saf replied.

"I'll get the first aid kit," Maeve told her, rushing into the kitchen to pull out the red box from under the sink before walking back to the now sat up Safia. "I heard you were missing for a few hours, is that when this happened?" she quizzed, sitting beside the Latina.

"Uh huh,"

"Fuck that was days ago, they haven't sent a medic?"

"You think this was the punishment?" Safia quizzed pointing at her bruised and inflamed eye before shaking her head, "sitting in it, no pain meds, no outside communication or help... that's the real punishment. Ashley's been sneaking some stuff, that's it."

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