Chapter twenty seven: it's just a dream.

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Everyone stared at each other in silence as they allowed the choking aura to win over everyone's courage to speak.

"What's wrong?. Someone should tell me before I lose my mind already!." Lora broke the silence anxiously.

"Nothing is wrong!. What is your problem?" Dylan replied to Lora coldly.

"Excuse me? Who invited you in here?. I appreciate the fact that you saved my brother's life. But that doesn't give you any right to talk to me in that tune." Lora used the same energy to reply Dylan. They both gave themselves cold glares for a few seconds.

"Do you really love Evan?. I seriously doubt that. I mean you don't even act like the older sister you claim to be. Take a look at Evan. Do you like seeing him this way?. Instead of controlling your stupid emotions, you blurted it all out for him to notice that something is wrong." Damien lectured Lora coldly.

"Hey watch it! What's your problem?. This is a family discussion and you should give us privacy. And let me make this clear to you. You can never have Evan as long as I'm still breathing. Try harder to make him love you. It will never work. So it's best you take your despicable self out of this ward!." Lora pointed at Damien's face with shaking angry brows.

"Cut it out both of you. Lora, watch your mouth!. Don't speak to Damien in that tune ever again. He deserves respect from everyone. Especially you!. No more questions from anyone. Let's leave this ward for Damien and Evan to have their privacy." Mr Smith said as he made his way out of the ward.

"Give them privacy? Seriously?." Lora asked with shock and jealous written all over her face.

"Let's go Lora. Dad's right. We should give them privacy as dad asked us to do. For Evan's sake." Annabella wrapped her tiny hands around lora's palm and lead her out of the room.

Now it's just Damien and Evan staring silently at each other. Nathan have like a million question he wanted to ask and his mind can't get over the feeling of spilling it all out to Damien.

"How-" Damien try to ask but Evan cut him off coldly.

"Where I'm I?" Evan blurted out his most curious question.

"We're in California. Apparently, your previous hospital can't do much for you than to observe your health before taking action. They don't do much, but they charge much. You've been unconscious for two whole months now. And all they have to do is to watch silently instead. I had to do something." Damien smiled at the end of his statement.

"You had to do something?. You fled me out of my city? What happens to my studies?." Evan asked a bit sad and angry.

"I brought you some books to read if you're bored. You'll get better soon." Damien reassured. Evan nodded slowly after some silence between them.

"What about Annabella. I thought she was kidnapped?." Evan asked again feeling more curious about the change of things in his absence.

"Well Annabella was found a week ago. Her kidnappers did nothing unusual to her. They didn't beat her, starve her, or-" Damien was about to finish but Evan completed the sentence.

"Or raped her? I'm glad she's fine. I guess there's still someone out there who's kind enough to let a kid go unharmed. And as for me, it's quite the opposite." Evan sigh deeply.

"Evan, I think it's time for you to let go of that memory. Please it's not healthy enough for you." Damien advised. But Nathan just snapped.

"You don't have any right to tell me what to do! That memory can't leave me!. Do you know how hard I fought for my life that day? The pain I went through in that dark room with those rapists?....I was just 15! They did this to me and it ruined everything! I don't want to be gay, I'll never be one of those disgusting animals!." Evan exclaimed pouring down all the pains he felt in one sentence.

"I'm sorry. I don't have the right to dodge you as well." Damien replied with a warm smile.

"Damien, are you familiar with the healing dragon?" Evan blurted out sternly.


Another new chapter out!

Thanks to all my friends and readers. We're friends anyway. And I don't want to use that as an excuse not to say sorry for the late update. I'm still SORRY!!

I'll try harder 😁

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