chapter twenty six: horrible nightmare...

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Evan's POV........

The lively sound made me curious to see why's there so many people in my ward. I slowly flap my lashes till I get a better view of the white ceiling above me. Why's it so different from the one in the hospital?

"He's awake." I heard Lora's voice call out. "Evan?. Can you hear me?." She asked anxiously calling out to me with a worried tune.

"Evan. How are you" Damien asked as he couch down beside my bed.

"How are you feeling now?." My dad asked softly which left me more worried. What really happened while I was unconscious?

"Big brother Evan please recover soon. I really miss you." I heard Annabella's sweet voice which left me completely surprised. Annabella was kidnapped right?

"Where is mom?." I asked weakly. The room became almost deafening silent. No one altered a word.

"I'm here." I heard a voice approaching me. Her eyes has swell so big due to too much crying. She patted my cheeks with a slow smile.

"How are you?." She asked softly.

"What happened?. Where I'm I?." I asked feeling too confused about everything unfolding before me.

"I'll explain everything to you soon. I just want to let you know that, I'll be traveling soon. But trust me baby. I'll call you always to check up on you. I promise." She sobbed at the last part crying sadly.

Now it's getting more awkward in here. Seriously?. She's traveling when I'm in the hospital fighting for my life?.

"Do you really have to go?. I need you by my side mom. Please.... " I whispered and she burst out crying again.

"I'm so sorry Evan. I can't stay. I'll check up on you everyday. And I promise to create time for you if you need me to talk to." She smiled sadly as more tears run down her face.

'Alright can someone finally tell me what's going on here?. Where I'm I by the way?.' I thought to myself.

"Mom why must you go?." Annabella asked looking really upset as she stare at our mom who's now sobbing at the side.

But mom just embraced her into a tight huge as she cried again. Everyone refused to utter a word. The room fell silent as they all stare at the scene before them.

"We're getting a divorce." Dad suddenly spoke. We all gasped except mom and Damien.

"What!." We all yelled in shock.

"Mom, dad, just tell me it's not true. You guys are just pulling my legs. Right?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. But it's true. We choose our path and it's for the best. But I promise to give you'll the best life you deserve." Dad replied sadly.

"Lora is coming with me." Mom spoke. And Lora gasped.

"What?. But mom. I'm not gonna leave Evan." Lora turned down sadly.

"Then I'll go alone. I'll call to check up on you guys when I get there." Mom stood up to leave. But dad caught up with her and held her wrist.

"Honey. We can sort this out. You don't have to do this. Please. Not for my sake, but for our children's sake. For Evan's sake..... Please stay." Dad pleaded with mom. But mom flip his hand away from her wrist.

"There is nothing to sort out there. You choose the wrong path and I can't stand the fact that Evan got involved in all this. It's our fault that we failed as a parent. But it's even more sad that our children had to pay for our crime. You better tell Evan the truth soon before it's too late." Mom whispered the last part. But I clearly heard. With that, mom left us.

'What truth?' I asked myself.

"Dad what truth?." Lora popped the question.

"It's nothing. You don't have to worry." Dad smiled at us sadly. But it's obvious he's lying.

Hey everyone...... Sorry for the late update. Watch out for the next chapter. Please vote and comment on this story.


My Childhood BullyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora