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Nobody's POV

"Peyton, are you ready to go to your mother's house?" Peyton is going over to her mother's house for the weekend and she can't wait.

"Yes, I gonna have fun!" She exclaimed as she came down the stairs with her stuffed rabbit in her hand. Toni noticed that Peyton's hair wasn't done and she sighed.

"Oh gosh, why didn't Daddy fix your hair?"

"Him don't know how. Him don't have hair like me." Toni laughed and quickly brushed Peyton's hair into a bun. Once she was done, the doorbell rang. Kenny went to go and answer the door while Toni put on Peyton's shoes. After her shoes were on, she rushed to the door greeting her mother.

"Mommy hi!" She said as she hugged her mother's legs.

"Hi, baby."

"I all ready."

"I see that but I need to speak to your father and Toni first before we leave okay." Toni raised her brow. What does Nicole have to talk to them about?

"Okay." She walked to the living room to play with her toys and the three adults walked into the kitchen. Kenny offered her water but she kindly declined.

"What do have to talk to us about?"

"I'm moving to New York with my mother."

"You're taking my daughter away from me?" Kenny asked and Nicole immediately shook her head. She knows that Kenny loves Peyton and Peyton loves him back. That's one thing she would not do.

"No, I'm leaving her here with you guys."

"Why are you doing that? Peyton is barely two and she needs her mother in her life." Toni questioned in a confused tone.

"I just... I got a better job offer at a hospital out there and I took it."

"You didn't think about Peyton first?"

"I did, I don't want to be a mother anymore. I don't want to have the responsibility of a child depending on me until they're eighteen..."

"So you think the best thing for you to do is leave our daughter without a mother?" Kenny asked and Nicole didn't know what to say.

"I just can't wrap my head around this. How do you think that would make her feel knowing that you're leaving her and probably won't be coming back?" Toni added and made a face.

"I don't know."

"Right and that's all you do is think about yourself, Nicole. The world doesn't revolve around you anymore now that you have a child. You need to start thinking about Peyton and not yourself. She's not even at that age where she can
understand what you're doing and why you're doing it. Hell, I don't even understand your reasoning for this."

Peyton stood by the wall and heard everything that they were saying. She whimpered and rubbed her eyes. Kenny turned around and saw Peyton standing there.

"Oh, baby." Kenny said and picked Peyton up. She laid her head on Kenny's shoulder and sobbed. Toni looked at Nicole and rolled her eyes.

"Peyton I'm sorry." Nicole said as she got up. She attempted to grab Peyton but she screamed at her.

"Nooo leave me! I-I no like you!"

"Nicole maybe you should just go." Toni said as she stood up and the two of them walked to the front door. Kenny walked upstairs with Peyton in his arms as he tried to calm her down. Toni ran her fingers through her hair and opened the door for Nicole.

"I'm sorry Toni."

"You don't have to apologize to me, I'm not your child. What I will say is that you're making a huge mistake, abandoning your child because you didn't want to be a parent. There were many other options, Nicole, I'm sure, but you already made your decision and you see how that affects Peyton." Nicole nodded as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Enjoy the rest of your life." Toni said and closed the door. She let out a deep breath just as her phone rang. She went to answer it and put it to her ear.

"Hi, Mommy."

"Hey baby, what's the matter?"

"A lot just happened but I'll tell you when the time is right."

"That's fine, I just called to check up on you. You've been hiding with your lover." She laughed,

"Yes I have but it's not on purpose."

"Yes I know, he's treating you good then."

"Yeah, very good." Toni blushed.

"I know that's right, I'll talk to you later okay? Towanda is taking me out for lunch."

"Alright, tell her I said hello. Later Mom." She hung up the phone and went upstairs to check on Peyton and Kenny. She could hear Peyton in her room crying,

"Mommy hates m-me." Toni's heart broke. She can't believe that Nicole would do such a thing to her daughter. Toni walked inside Peyton's room and sat on the bed.

"No, she doesn't hate you baby."

"Yes her do! Her leave me and her don't love me!"

"She doesn't hate you princess, and she still loves you, she just needs time for herself."

"Mommy be back?"

"I'm not sure but it's going to be okay." He kissed Peyton's forehead and rubbed her back. Soon her cries died down and Kenny laid her on her bed. The two of them left Peyton alone and went into Kenny's room.

"Are you okay?" Toni asked as Kenny sat on the bed. He shrugged,

"I don't know. I just like... I can't even put into words how I feel right now. I'm just in shock at what Nicole did my brain just can't comprehend."

"Mine either, this is why you need to pick your women wisely."

"I picked you."

"Touché." They laughed and Toni hugged him.

"It's going to be okay baby, we'll get through this but I'm not sure about Peyton. I know that she's really hurt and she's not even at that age where she can comprehend what just happened... she just thinks that Nicole hates and doesn't love her. Maybe tomorrow or the days after, she might forget about what happened today."


Excuse any typos ❤️

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