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Nobody's POV

When Toni awoke, she was tightly wrapped in Kenny's warm embrace. Her head rested on his chest and his chin rested on her head. Toni's leg was wrapped around his waist while his hands were on her bare thighs. In the middle of the night, Toni got hot and took off her shorts leaving her bottom half naked. She turned her head as her eyes fluttered open. Looking at the time she saw that it was almost ten and she would have to wake up to go home soon.

"Baby..." She whispered as she picked her head up. Kenny's grip on her thighs tightened and she bit down on her bottom lip.

"Ken I have to leave soon. Remember I'm going out with Jackie."

"So?" Kenny mumbled and she chuckled.

"Ken, for real baby and I have to pee. I know you don't want me to pee on you."

"I wouldn't mind."

"Ewww Ken." She giggled and he let her go. She walked into the bathroom as Kenny went back to sleep. After her morning routine, Toni walked out just as Peyton walked into the room. Seeing her aunt, she put her hands up and Toni picked her up.

"Morning Auntie."

"Good morning Pey, did you brush your teeth already?" Peyton nodded as Toni sat on the bed with her in her arms.

"Daddy sleep?"

"Yes, go wake him up, baby." She crawled out of Toni's lap and crawled to her father. She shook him awake and played with his face. Toni giggled and shook her head. While Toni is out with Jackie, Peyton would be visiting her mother and Kenny would be with his.

"Daddyyyyy!" Peyton squeezed his nose and Kenny jumped up. Peyton giggled at her father's face.

"Baby I didn't tell her to do that." Kenny laid back down and closed his eyes.

"Daddy no sleep." Peyton said and began jumping on the bed. Kenny's body bounced up and down and Toni laughed.

"Peyton." Toni picked her up and Kenny got out of bed. The three of them got ready for the day and soon they were ready to leave. Toni went home and changed her clothes. She put on a yellow top with a pair of ripped jeans and accessories to match.


"Hey, friend!" The two of them exclaimed as they hugged each other.

"Oh, it's so good to see you. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know, it's because of my shifts at the hospital. I hate them."

"I know I hate them too." They sat down in a booth across from each other.

"So how's life? You're glowing." Toni smiled and looked away.

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"You know him very well."

"Mmm, I bet it's Kenny or you went back to Keri."

"Hell no!"

"So it's Kenny, that's good. I'm happy for you guys."

"Thank you, I'm happy too." Toni gushed like a high schooler.

"I see you're acting like Denise."

"Denise who?"

"Huxtable, of course." They laughed.

"What about you? How's the hospital?"

"Chaotic like always. I'm surprised I got a day off but there's a new doctor so everyone is giving her their shifts."

"Oh no, you guys are terrible. And she takes it?"

"Of course, she's from Poland and she loves to work. I haven't given her any of my shifts yet because I love to work also." Jackie is a general doctor so she has different positions; Gynecologist, surgeon, pediatrician, Oncologist, Cardiologist, you name it. She has five doctorates and puts them to good use.

"Oh, you're a good one. I heard your anniversary was last week and you had fun."

"Yes I did, but when I went back to work I was so embarrassed."

"Why? What happened?"

"Berry picked me up from work the day before our trip and he had a bag with him. He went to the shop and got a few things that he wanted to try."


"Yes Toni, but he forgot the bag when he picked me up. So when I went to work everyone was talking about me... even the patients." Toni laughed and shook her head.

"Wow, so your anniversary was a little bit boring?"

"A tad, but we made it work."

"Okayyyy, I didn't need to know all of that."


"Hi, Mommy." Peyton said as she got out of the car. Nicole stood by the door as Peyton and Kenny walked to her door. She kissed her father goodbye before she walked inside the house with her mother.

"Hi baby, did you have fun with Daddy?"

"Yes, and Auntie was there."

"She was?" Nicole questioned. She wasn't upset or jealous at all. She knew that Kenny always had feelings for her and vice versa. It was just a matter of time before he would get with Toni.

"Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions." She mumbled to herself. Peyton never said that the two of them were in a relationship or anything. Maybe she doesn't know anything.

"Yeah, her was there."

"Okay, what did you guys do?"

"I color wif my 'yons, and I eat, and I sleep, and I watch Tiana." Nicole laughed. Those are the things she does all the time so it's nothing new.

"Did you see Grandma Su?" Peyton asked and Nicole nodded. While Peyton was at her father's house Nicole went to New York to visit her mother. She also looked around the city for a few things. Her grandmother, Sutton, is Caucasian and from the South; Augusta Georgia to be exact.

"Yes, and she says that she misses you."

"I miss her too! I go see her 'morrow."

"Um not really, New York is very far from here but when you get older we can go."

"Okay, and she make cake for me?"

"Yes, I'll tell her to make you a cake."

"A pink one mommy wif sprinkles!"

"Yes with sprinkles."

"I eat it all, none for mommy only Peyton." She spoke and Nicole shook her head.

"You're going to have a tummy ache if you eat all of that cake."

"Oh, then I eat some and some and some."

"Whatever you say, baby."


Excuse any typos ❤️

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