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Toni's POV

"Ken, the other day Keri stopped by..." I'm really nervous to tell him what happened. He's always been protective of me when I was with Keri and even after I divorced him. Now that we're dating, I think it's going to be worse and I don't blame him because Keri is crazy.

"He did? What happened? I hope that he didn't touch you because it would be a problem."

"No he didn't, he said that he missed me and wants me back but I told him that I didn't miss him and I don't want him back. I just thought that I should tell you before he sees you and starts lying, I also don't want any secrets between us."

"Come here baby." Kenny spoke and pulled me towards him. He wrapped his arms around me and I looked up at him. Kenny kissed my lips and I smiled against his, pulling away. "Keri is a very jealous man and he is weird. The next time he decides to talk to you, call me so I can give him a surprise." I laughed and shook my head.

"Okay baby."


"Hey family!" Trina exclaimed as we walked inside of my mother's house. Today is Saturday dinner and she invited Kenny and Peyton over.

"Hi Tri."

"Nice to see you brother in law." She spoke and Kenny chuckled.

"Nice to see you too, sister in law."

"You guys are going to kill me." I mumbled and rolled my eyes. I walked away to greet her mother who was in the kitchen. Hearing movement behind me, I turned around and saw Peyton.

"I thought you were going to stay with daddy?"

"No, I stay wif you." She said smiling at her me. I grabbed her hand and we made our way to the kitchen.


"Is that my baby I hear?" She questioned as she turned around. My mother hugged me tight and I returned the hug to her.

"Hi mommy."

"Hi baby, how are you? Ohh, girl you're glowing." She spoke as she pulled away, examining me. I blushed,

"I just might be. I'm just happy..."

"I know you are. Hi Peyton." She said acknowledging the child in front of her.

"You remember my mother right baby?"

"Yes, hi Ms. Evelyn." She shyly spoke and waved.

"Hi cutie." Kenny walked in behind me and hugged my mother. "Hello son, it's nice of you to show up."

"Of course I had to show up to see you and eat your good food, especially those biscuits." They shared a laugh,

"I see you're keeping my baby happy. I haven't seen her smile this much."

"Okay mom." I said and rolled her eyes.

"Go on somewhere, I'm not talking to you."

"Fine then." I and Peyton walked off and into the living room where the rest of the family was. I sat between Traci and Towanda and Peyton crawled into my lap.

"Pey, you don't want to play with the other kids?" She shook her head,

"Can I play on your phone?" I nodded and handed Peyton my phone.

"So how's life been Denise?" Tamar joked and I flicked her off.

"Dang, you can't take a joke?"

"I can but that wasn't funny."

"I laughed, anyways, I see you're glowing."

"Mommy said the same thing, am I really?"

"Indeed, have the two of you..." Towanda trailed off since there were children around. I immediately shook my head,

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