Chapter 37

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Four days of absolute avoidance. What am I supposed to make out of this? To say I was hurt when I woke up at Fleurina, without Calix beside me, would be an understatement. Of course my worries were put to rest when Calix's bodyguard, Kev informed that the prince had to rush to Nirvana due to an uncalled emergency. He, along with Broody, had safely accompanied me back to Euthensia. The capital. Without any hitches. But the hitches and constant overthinking, troubling, which were stirring up my heart, was a different matter.

I scolded myself to stop being such an obsessive, doubtful girlfriend and not forget the fact that he is a prince after all, with duties to attend. And such situations will take place in the future as well.

However, to think straight and rational became out of the question when my calls and text messages did not go through. For three days straight. Knowing Calix, he should have called or, at the very least, texted me back seeing my queries. But he did not. In fact, I was being shown all the time that 'the number does not exist'. When even after three days the issue continued to persist, I knew for certain that this wasn't a technical problem from my side.

Hence, I had to turn to the last resort.

Audrey. Calix's secretary.

My teeth sink into my lips as I pace around the living room of my apartment and hope desperately that at least the woman might pick up my call.

Thankfully, my prayers are heard and she does, as a soft voice speaks up, "Hello, who is this?"

"Audrey." I sigh in relief. "It's me. Isha."

"Oh." Her voice for some reason, sounds unusual, as if she is holding in her breath. "Miss Sen, h-how have you been?"

"I have been well...well okay-ish, I guess. Anyway, where is Calix?"

A nervous laugh comes from her. "Ah His Royal Highness..."

"Yes." I frown at her sudden change in behaviour. "Audrey, is everything alright? Is Calix alright?"

"He is. And yes, everything is fine, Miss Sen. The thing is..." she trails off as I wait for her to finish explaining what the heck is going on rather than beating around the bush. "I am so sorry Miss Sen for what I am going to reveal."

My fingers dig into my pants.

"I cannot explain everything in detail because it is a confidential matter by King Richard's order. But please understand that for an unavoidable reason, Prince Carlos is no longer the Crown Prince. Prince Calix is. This will be soon announced to the citizens. As a result of which, it has been ordered for you to cut off any ties with His Royal Highness Prince Calix and Nirvana."

"What the heck?" I blurt out the words, a sarcastic laughter leaving me. "Is this what, 1st April?"

"Miss Sen, I apologize once again but my hands are tied. I am just doing what I am ordered to do and my job of informing you this, has been done. Please do not contact Prince Calix or anyone else associated with Nirvana, again. Also, Prince Calix's fiancée has been decided by His Majesty, himself. He will soon be engaged.

I am sorry and have a good day."

My mouth hangs open when Audrey cuts the call and in an instant, blocks my number. Oh no. I am not letting anything go without an explanation to me.

Laughing maniacally, I sit down on the couch. I am not going to cry or forget everything and just move on. Isha Sen is not to be underestimated. If the Royal Palace does not want to let me meet Calix, then I will go there by myself. By any means. And what in the world is Calix doing by sitting back and letting everything happen?

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