Chapter 21

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"Ouch! Shame on you for hurting an injured lady."

Lola laughs in fury at my groan. "Sweetheart. Be glad I smacked your arm, and not your bandaged leg."

"Oh come on, you know I am being dramatic. It's a small wound which will heal within two days. I can even walk around normally."

"Not without limping." She grumbles more.

"I am fine. Really." I smile with an extra beam, in order to ease some of the tension that Lola has been experiencing, all this time.

"Where does your mind wander off to even while you are crossing the road?"

To last night. The unintentional, hot kiss. Since the morning, although I have managed to maintain my composure in front of others, the tumultuous storm raging inside me hasn't been quite calm.

Like any other day, I was walking back to my apartment, after the school-shift ended. Unfortunately, the vivid, erotic imagery that I had shut off for the entirety of the day while I taught my students, overpowered my concentration skills later. Whatever I did. Wherever I set my eyes on. The soft, plump lips on mine, sucking, pulling, tugging, flipping, refused to leave my mind.

That is also how I got myself in a little accident with a delivery boy's scooter, who seemed even more nervous than he already was, for running late with the deliveries, I assumed. Coincidentally, Lola and her cousin were right there near the site, as they were finishing up their grocery shopping. And well, once my best friend's eyes fell on me, who was bleeding through her legs, and being helped up by others, she practically threw the money at the cashier's face before dragging out a dumbfounded Neil with her. Let's just say after that, Lola gave me a scolding for a good forty minutes, in the entire ambulance ride to the hospital. At least Neil got the privilege of driving Lola's precious car, since the girl had insisted on accompanying me.

"Lola." My sister Anvi barges inside the room with exhaustion, which she rarely shows on her emotionless face. "No offence, but why is your cousin so weird?"

"I have been asking myself the same question ever since he was born." Lola says, agreeing with Anvi's words. "What did he do now?"

"I am assuming he got offended due to not receiving any response to his flirts?" Anvi replies, as if she herself is unsure about the boy, who is a year older than her.

I can't help but sneak a smile. Considering Neil's personality, he must have tried to playfully flirt with my sister, not knowing that Anvi is like a living, breathing rock. Even Aria and I find it hard to get a proper reaction or display of emotion from our youngest sibling. Not that we mind. It's just how she is. Anvi likes to spend time with herself than waste her energy in socializing, to be specific.

"Don't mind him, Anvi." Lola shakes her head, hearing about her cousin, "He is a total weirdo."

"I am not." Neil enters next and for a fraction of a second I think I did see a flicker of annoyance in Anvi. Well, at least Neil is successful in witnessing Anvi show some emotion. "Right, Anvi? At least I know your name now."

Anvi blatantly ignores the smug looking boy as she tries to find something in the room with which she can keep herself busy.

"Stop bothering her," Lola groans at her cousin, but he is already trailing behind my sister while she tries her best to avoid him. They do look kind of adorable, although I can't help but feel pity for my poor sister who despises socializing with new people, more than anything.

"May I have your number at least? Even our sisters are friends." Neil's words fade away as he follows Anvi out of the room.

"Neil is such a pain in the ass. At times, I feel like I am babysitting a spoilt kid, although he isn't any different." Lola complains before turning her attention back to me. "Is Aria coming?"

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