Chapter 44

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At the end, I didn't forgive Calix. I asked him to leave and he left. But he did so after placing kisses on my cheeks and whispering sweetly, "I will keep trying hard and wait for the day when you are finally ready to take me back." And after that, I stood in the cold night while watching the prince's figure fading away in the dark. Everything was a blur next. I remember getting inside the house, changing into my night attire, heating up and eating the leftover pasta from afternoon and then comfortably tucking myself in. Perhaps I had heard Aria and Dakota coming in from their date, late at night. Or not? I don't remember. It had taken me three hours to fall asleep after mindlessly scrolling through my phone. The next thing I know, I had woken up at 7 a.m. with my AirPods still stuck inside my ears and Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey playing on repeat. Hmm. Interesting song choice.

A good thing however that came out of this heartbreak is the fact that I could give myself time to finally finish off my manuscript. White Swan Book Society did mention submitting the full manuscript by February, 2024. I mean, finishing the first draft on 2nd January, 2024 isn't a very bad start even though I have to focus extra now and get done with the editing before eventually submitting the entire manuscript.

I stretch and massage my fingers when the numbness hit me after typing for almost eight hours. Without a break. Thankfully, Aria and Dakota had somewhere to be for the entire day which created a silent and peaceful space for me to work, without any interruption. Although, it did feel a bit scary to have the huge house all to myself but at the end of the day, I finished what I had set my mind to. And, if stuffing my face with brunch while writing a gut-wrenching tragic scene counts as a break, then I guess I did take one. Washroom breaks and one shower break was a natural given, whatsoever.

Switching my phone on, I choke on the coffee seeing missed calls and messages from lo and behold, Prince Calix. Oh right, I had forgotten to block his number or at the very least, delete it from my contacts after, quite miraculously, I was notified of the number of Prince Calix existing again. Since morning, there are at least 70+ missed calls and 50+ messages from him. I tap on the screen to read the most recent message which was sent about half-an-hour ago.

Prince High Horse: I am on my way there. Please tell me you are alright.

Before I can get the opportunity to type back a reply, the doorbell rings. Not once, not twice, not thrice but probably twenty times. With a groan, I hasten my steps to reach downstairs soon and have the impatient prince stop bothering the entire neighbourhood. Finally, I open the door with a scowl however the wind rushes past me when I stumble backward due to Calix's tightening hug.

"You are fine, oh my God, you are alright," Calix chants under his breath while his entire body trembles. Another anxiety attack, it seems. As a result, my hands move around to lightly pat his back and give him the impression that no harm has been inflicted upon me. During the time we were in a well, false relationship, I had spent a good amount of time learning about anxiety attacks—for Calix. When the attack hits, rather than words of consolation, he requires actions of reassurance.

After few moments of us standing in one another's embrace and Calix slowly regaining his normal breathing level, he finally pulls away with a face that shows embarrassment. He rubs the back of his neck while with the other hand dusts off imaginary dust from his crumpled loosened tie and unbuttoned suit. "I thought something had happened to you."

"In my sister's house?" I raise a sceptical brow.

"No I—" Calix sighs, hesitating to announce something. "I was worried as you weren't responding to neither my calls nor texts. And to think your phone was switched off since morning, I was attacked soon by negative thoughts."

"Why so?"

Calix opens his mouth but shuts them back. He sighs. Inhales, exhales before finally speaking. "Veronica has escaped from the prison. The Royal Guards and police are trying their best to search for her but she has left absolutely no trace behind. We don't even know if she is alone or has a team behind, in this messed up whatever plan she is plotting. Hence, not being able to reach you since morning fuelled my worries and I thought...I thought she has done something to you so I drove here as soon as an important meeting finished. Well, left halfway through the meeting. Kind of. Sort of. Definitely?"

"Are you insane or wha—" I take in a deep breath to calm myself down. Especially at the way he is adorably sulking, plus pouting. Poulking. I hate how my heart still flutters, even after our breakup.

"I was concerned alright?" Calix, the man who used to despise showing emotions before, whined. Whined. How unbelievable it is, that I can let go of my cold demeanour to laugh out loud any moment now.

"Well, your unnecessary concern has earned you points for putting suspicions in your employees' mind, including the others present at the meeting. A Crown Prince leaving an important meeting is a very odd thing to happen." The words, 'especially when being the Crown Prince has always been your dream' remain unsaid.

"Everyone knows that I am neither going to marry another woman nor stop loving you," he says, "In fact, everyone knows that I am trying to pursue you again."

"I—what? Within the span of a day...I don't understand—"

"It wasn't too hard," Calix shrugs playfully, grinning a boyish grin, "The moment I returned to Nirvana yesterday, I made sure to instruct Audrey to send a particular notice to every employee of Nirvana, including the other official staff members who were made aware of the new changes. And I damn well mentioned Audrey to write in that very notice that Miss Isha Sen will be the only woman I have loved, do love and will love, regardless of our differences in status, title or whatever nonsensical beliefs we had been bringing up in Syncitia till now.

By the time Calix finishes speaking, I am left with nothing but a gaping mouth wide open. My Goodness. Calix has been possessed by my previous wild self's soul. "You did not—wait—no, you—why? In an O F F I C I A L letter? I mean, is that even legal?"

"Who cares?" Calix smirks and sneakily, now that I am realising, his hands are trailing down my arms. "Point is, both the Crown Princes agree. Everyone is bound to come to an agreement in such a case. Even King Richard's opinions do not matter now."

" come you are so light-hearted about everything now?"

"Isn't the reason obvious, Isha?" Calix's grin widens, "I am holding onto the little string of hope. Of us getting back together."

"That won't happen," I force out the words, my chest constricting in the process, "Move on, Calix. It's over."

"It isn't." Despite my words, the grin remains intact on his lips, as he pushes a strand of black hair behind my ear. "And deep down, you know it too. It's funny how I said last night that I will be happy to let you go, if you find someone else. Honestly, I will be glad to do so. However, that does not mean I won't stop pursuing you, Isha. You may go on dates, see other men, anything, yet you will find me. Somewhere, waiting for you, trying for you, and loving you like I should have all this damn time. Do you know the reason?"

"Why?" My chin wobbles.

"Because Isha," Calix dips his head so close that with one step forward, our lips will touch. He doesn't move though. He keeps his mouth to a close proximity, his hot breath fanning over my lips and playing with my heartstrings as if he is playing with guitar chords. "I am confident as hell that I can be the right man for you. And I will be. 99.9% surety."

"What about rest of the 0.5%?" I whisper breathily.

"The rest is up to you, Isha. You decide whether you want to bless me with the opportunity of filling the rest 0.5% of your heart.

As I said before, take as much time as you require, sweetheart. I will be all here. Waiting, trying and loving you."

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