Chapter 13

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"Are you happy with Prince Calix?"

My throat clogs up in emotions at the sound of my father through the phone. He is genuinely worried about my happiness. Because again, Baba thinks I am in a relationship with a prince, at the end of the day.

The thought of a certain prince sends an unrecognizable rush of feelings through my chest. It has been five days that we haven't exchanged any conversation. Not that we are yet that close to casually chat, talk over the phone or send memes. But this time, the silence is uncomfortable and for some reason, bothering me. Perhaps because of guilt. It is no undeniable fact that I did overreact that night before hearing what Calix had to say. Probably it was just an apology but it was an apology, anyway. But my ego got in the way and I, well, I think rather than being angry, was hurt at his change of tone.

And this doesn't make sense, for all I know we have been throwing retorts and insults at one another since our second encounter. I being perturbed at him calling me 'immature', is almost as absurd as imagining pigs doing ballet in pink tutus.

The only good thing that happened that night was the pup we rescued was saved. We even contacted his owner, thanks to the information carved inside the collar of the dog. Apparently, they had lost him while he was chasing a rabbit into the forest and were overwhelmed with emotions after reuniting with their pup. His name, we learnt, was Goldie.

As for the cats, I went to the bungalow alone the next morning, but couldn't find either the mother or her kittens. Being strays, perhaps they had moved away from the bungalow and to a new, more habitable place, I had concluded.

"Yes I am, Baba." I close my eyes shut at how smoothly the lie left my lips.

"Ah, that is a relief then," Ma's voice appears from the side.

A bitter smile spreads on my lips. Here I thought they will be disappointed, even not agree to talk to me, due to keeping them in the dark for one month. However, when I decided to call them this morning, they seemed normal. In fact, they were rather concerned about my well-being since they know how I am not used to this new attention I have been receiving from the public. Ma and Baba think that I did not reveal anything to them because either it had been forbidden by the Royal Palace or I was taking time for myself to getting used to my new circumstances.

How would they react if they were to know that their own daughter, who has never once lied to her parents, played with their trust? They will break down and so will I.

I muster up a smile on my face, clutching the phone tightly against my ears when I hear Ma asking, "How have you been Isha? Should we go there—"

"No! I mean, not now. It might be dangerous since I am literally in the news headlines every day."

Another lie. Due to Calix's and Nirvana's strict orders, paparazzi, overly-obsessed supporters, fans of the prince, and trolls on social media, all have stopped perturbing me. Although I can still sense stares at me and whispers circulating around, no one has yet dared to strike up questions regarding our dating life, or have physically tried to assault me. In fact, Nirvana has assigned two guards who always stay low around me whenever I go out. They are residing in the apartment beside mine's, by the way.

So, I am safe.

"Who dares to disturb my daughter?" my father grumbles, making me laugh. He has always been like this. Supportive, adorable and protective, whereas Ma is the brains and logic, and filled with love and care, in their relationship.

"I am alright, Baba. Don't worry. You too Ma."

My eyes move to the clock. I need to write at least one-thousand words for my unfinished manuscript before getting ready for school.

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