Chapter 17

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Fucking Carlos.

This is the second time that I am being compelled to curse. If His Majesty hears about it, he will probably strip me off my title and throw me out of Nirvana.

What shall I do, anyway? It is my regretful failure that I am unable to present Carlos' true nature in front of Queen Veronica and King Richard. Not that anything would change even after that, since His Majesty only has eyes for Carlos, with being 'pure-blooded' and all.

My fists clench when I find Carlos treating Isha. I am thankful for his help, but he isn't trustworthy.

After attending to the matter that Killian receives his rightful punishment, I rushed to here, only to find Dr Georgia nowhere and Isha chatting freely with Carlos.

Seeing the two, so close together, does something unexplainable to my body. For example, my heart hurts as if I am being pricked by a thousand thorns. My stomach quite literally feels like dropping to my feet. As for my blood, it splashes fiercely throughout my blood vessels. The feeling is torturous, and I am actually considering having a full body check-up. My health has been acting up for a few days, yet Dr Georgia said a few days before, that nothing was wrong and I was perfectly healthy, when I complained about my chest being hollow.

"I'll definitely ask my secretary if it is possible for me to exchange numbers with you, Miss Sen. I would like to keep seeing you, and have your intriguing company around."

I hear fire alarms blazing in my ears while my hands curl more into fists.

Before I can stop myself, I blurt out something. Something irrational. Something that the Calix of one month ago wouldn't have bothered to say.

"You appear to be quite interested in my girlfriend, lately. How peculiar. Isn't it, Carlos?"

Carlos doesn't turn back around immediately. Instead, Isha's eyes flicker to mine, and I soften my stiff features a bit. Seeing how she seems to appear better than before, I smile in relief. Isha returns her gorgeous smile.

"Welcome, brother." Venom drips down his tone, as Carlos stands up and turns around to stare at me with that complacent grin of his.

"Fancy seeing you here, Carlos," I retort dryly, walking further towards him. His relaxed demeanour is what bothers me all the damn time.

"I could say the same to you," Carlos smiles, although his grin doesn't reach his eyes.

We are now standing face to face, our fierce eyes holding tales of years of hatred for one another, reflecting our personalities.

I might have trusted Carlos in our childhood, but not anymore. He has something up his sleeve. He always has. And Carlos' unusual display of affection towards Isha doesn't sit right with me. It is not the first time that he has used extreme means of flattery to win the hearts and sympathy of people around him. But with Isha, his approach seems different. In the beginning, he tried to get closer to her, using the same tricks he always uses on girls, who are fond of him. I wonder if he feels deeply humiliated at Isha's lack of interest in giving in to Carlos' playful intentions. Eventually, a thought strikes me. A ridiculous, childish thought but a vile one anyway.

Carlos, being the sly, cunning person he has always been, must have sensed that I had realized something. His widening grin gives away the impression.

"Is something wrong, Calix?" Carlos tilts his head in false innocence and pity. "Should I provide treatment to you, as well?"

"No," I answer, curt and straight, "But I'd like you to maintain some fair distance with Isha." I step closer to make the words audible only for my dear brother to hear.

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