Chapter 25

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"Your Majesty, did you call for me?"

Father looks up through his circular spectacles, that he always uses when he is reading or writing something (like now). I notice the presence of Carlos as well, who is standing with his arms behind his back and a very familiar cold gaze, to greet me.

"You may enter, Calix."

Since only our secretaries are present around us, he does not use my title to address me. I enter Father's office with Audrey behind me. Kev stays outside, for obvious reasons.

"Have a seat both of you."

At His Majesty's command, Carlos and I take our seats beside one another.

"I am sure you two are working diligently on the recent reports of Palatiana. Well, thanks to Carlos' request as the Crown Prince, the Head Officer of the Military of Syncitia has granted special access to travel to Palatiana, and investigate the mysterious matters there by ourselves. No wonder you are the Crown Prince, my son."

I force myself to calm down by clenching my fists under the table. Father knows that it is I, who has been handling matters related to Palatiana all this time. It is I who was able to draw out possible solutions, yet was turned down when I suggested personally travelling to the ruined place. Just because the Crown Prince has now decided to step in, the King is twisting his words, as if the days and nights I have worked hard on this matter, were for nothing. Instead, Carlos should be held responsible for whatever success we achieve from solving this case.

His Majesty can be truly infuriating at times.

"Calix, I am giving you the responsibility of selecting few of the most competent employees, who will be travelling to Palatiana in order to investigate the matter."

"When are they leaving?" I ask, not showing how surprised I am. I am really so unimportant that the first prince of Syncitia doesn't even have the privilege of being informed, when and where his employees are being sent off to, beforehand. Seeing Carlos' unfazed expression, I am assuming he was already aware of the information.

What's more pathetic is how Father can still not send me to Palatiana, for the investigation purpose.

"Next week." His Majesty answers. "Make sure to let Carlos know the names of the employees you will be selecting, before making the final announcement to the chosen ones. As the Crown Prince, unless he gives you permission to finalize the list of members, do not take further actions."

"I understand, Father." The word Father never sounded more venomous on my tongue than it does today.

I guess this prejudice is what I have to endure for the rest of my life, due to my rotten luck of being a bastard prince.

"You may both leave."

Bidding His Majesty a formal goodbye, I do not waste my time before hurrying out of the office. Audrey tries to keep up with my pace as I, in utter excitement and haste, remove my grey suit and put on a casual overcoat instead. My secretary asks me to bend down so that she can style my hair in a more charmingly, natural way.

"Would you like to put on a mask and sunglasses perhaps, Your Royal Highness?"

"No." I reply, checking my attire for the last time in the mirror, Kev is holding for me, "I wish to not conceal my identity today. But please maintain quite a distance so that she doesn't notice both of your presence."

Kev and Audrey glance at one another, and then nod in a suspiciously synchronising manner.

"I am serious." I put emphasis on the genuineness behind my words. "Besides, people might not recognize me today as the place I will be going would be seemingly crowded. I believe, I will be able to blend in myself."

Tellers of LiesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang