Part 19 - The Boyfriend

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We woke up when the train came to an abrupt stop, Gabby swore opening the compartment door to see which station we had stopped at. She let out a sigh of relief, "thank god, we didn't oversleep we have two stations left."

Bella frowned looking up from her place beside me, "what?". Her blonde hair was messed up and hanging into her face and she looked a bit rough, but somehow she managed to pull it off. I grabbed my bag and chucked it to my sister, "you forgot your deoderant. And knowing you you'lll definitely need some."

Gabby shot me a glare, "your such an ass Alan." She pelted the bag across the train carriage and it whacked against my head.

Bella rolled her eyes beside me, "it's seven in the morning, do you really have to spoil her mood already."

"You have a brother, you should know how it is." I replied making myself comfortable on the sang bag.

She scoffed, "yeah, but in contrast to you, my brother is normal."

What my sister had graciously left out was that the train did not infact stop at our station which meant we had to jump. I heard Phillips mutter something about how this was fucking insanity and I couldn't help but agree with him. "You are so stupid sometimes." I muttered to her as she as Teeny shoved the door open.

"Well Alan, no one fucking invited you okay? You all brought this on yourselves when you busybodied your way into the compartment. But please do us all a favour and wait till the next station, it's two miles from where we need to be and it'll give us all a really nice break from your constant bitching." She snapped.

Benny snorted and I kicked him reproachfully, Teeny turned around to face us as we neared the bridge that overlooked the lake, "who's first?"

The three of us guys shared astounded looks as we looked over the edge of the tracks and at the lake near the bottom. "Is this safe?" Benny muttered girmacing.

"Perfectly." Teeny muttered, "Gabby and I do it all the time. You all need to man up and stop being such babies."

All of a sudden the three of us tipped forwards as we were shoved out of the train carriage and went flying towards the lake below us. I crashe into the water making it splash like a bomb had hit, when I finally got my bearings and resurfaced I was hacking up water. "Those psychos!" Benny shouted as Bella and Teeny leapt out of the train whooping as they fell.

"Remind me again why your dating Teeny?" I asked Jordan shaking my head.

"I'm starting to question that myself, I'm going to kill her for this." He muttered as we started swimming towards them. My sister was the last to jump she flung all of our bags onto the start of the next cliff before taking a running start and jumping out of the train with just enough time for her to land in deep water.

When we reached the surface I shoved her over making her laugh at me, we were all dripping wet and I was fucking pissed, "YOU PSYCHO! Where the hell do you get off pushing us out of the fucking train?!" I shouted at her.

Gabby rolled her eyes, "first of all I pushed Benny and not you, and second of all there was no way you would have jumped without that shove. You're too catious."

I shot her an incredulous look, "there's a difference between being cautious and simply having a SENSE OF SELF PRESERVATION! Which, by the way, is something you very obviously do not have! Not everyone has your deathwish."

She rolled her eyes, "like I said before. No one asked you to come along. She linked arms with her friends, "come guys lets go."

"What are you thinking about?" Benny asked as I scowled at my sister's back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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Sandlot chicks // Benny Rodriguez // Jordan Phillips// Yeah-yeah McLennanWhere stories live. Discover now