Part 10 - Arrested?!

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We were all going to be taken in for questioning seperately,  I just hoped our story was concrete enough. Yeah-yeah, Bella, Benny Gabby and I were going to be talked to soon but until our parents arrived they said they weren't going to talk to us, something about the protection of minors. For now we had been placed in diffrent sides of the bull pen since they didn't have enough mirror rooms to talk to all four of us at the same time. I was behind a little corner so that they couldn't even see me. 

Gabby and Yeah-yeah's parents would be flying in from LA because of the two of them and even though they were complaining about how much trouble they would be in, I could tell they were happy that they were going to see their parents again.  Mr and Mrs McLennan had a huge business in Hollywood so they were always out there working on movies or god knows what. They had wanted their children to grow up in Mr McLennan's home town so they were always in between work and San Fernando, where their kids lived. 

To say that Gabby and Yeah-yeah were neglected by their parents was a step too far, but the family was rarely together even on days like the twins's birthdays, so they were left to their own devices A LOT. But go forbid you said anything, because they were extremely touchy about it. 

The door of theChief opened and slammed shut. Jordan walked out his hands shoved his pocket his expression looking like he wanted to break something. He stopped when he saw me his face softening and a   smile quirking at his lips. "Teeny? What are you doing here?" he asked coming to sit down next to me. 

"Gabby found a body in the club where Helena Bartley died." I explained, "they got chased around by whoever killed them and now they've been taken in for questioning. Gabby called me while they were hiding because the police didn't belive them. Anyways the Police said they could only come in 10-15 minutes so I got my cousin and Yeah-yeah and we went down there with sirens strapped t our bikes to scare them off so that Gabby and Benny could get out."

"But you're ok right?" I nodded, "oh yeah I'm great, I even got to see the body before the police arrived!" He rolled his eyes at me, "you are such a freak Anita Martins. Only you would be exited about seeing a dead body." 

I grinned "what can I say? I'm limited edition." He laughed, "oh you certainly are." 

"So what were you doing here?" I asked making his expression turn sour again, "My dad is the cheif and we were just having an argument about something stupid. I hit some guy on my team after I got him kicked off because he said something asshole-ish. His snotty parents want to press charges and my dad is really pissed at me. He says it's enough to have gotten him kicked off the team and violence is never the anser and blah blah..." 

I moved closer to him along the bench, "Oh yeah? Who who was he talking about?" 

He shrugged, "it doesn't matter." 

I raised my eyebrows, "who?" 

"He was talking about you." Jordan replied running a hand through his hair, "he called you a bitch, after I got him kicked off for foul play, to rile me up. It worked because I lost it and broke his nose."

I shifted around so I could hug him, he seemed surprised when I wrapped my arms around his neck but after a couple seconds he hugged me back awkwardly. "thanks." I muttered. "You're dad shouldn't be so hard on you, in fact I think it's pretty cool that you did that for me." 

He laughed, "oh yeah?"

I nodded pulling away, "yeah in fact i might just go in there and give him a piece of my mind." I joked. "Please don't." he replied making me grin. "Maybe that's not the best idea considering he's going to be the one to interview me." I answered taking his hand into mine. 

He laughed, "maybe not. Don't let him get to you though, he's a good guy but a bit of a hard ass." I nodded, "noted. 

The door swung open and the Cheif walked out of the office, "Jordan what the hell are you doing with my witness?" He asked frowning. I could see him go a little red. "Nothing, Dad. I was just going, see you at home." he answered quickly. Jordan kissed me on the cheek quickly before sprinting away. "I'll cal you later, ok?!" 

I must have gone red too because I could feel my cheeks heating up and I could have sworn I saw the chief smirk. "If you'll follow me to one of the rooms, I called your mother and she said she'd be here in around five to ten minutes." 

 I took one of the free water bottles on the table in front of the room, I sat down on one side of the desk and Chief Phillips sat down on the other. 

"So how long have you been seeing my son?" He asked making me choke on my water. "this isn't on the record and there's no one behind that mirror, just so you know." I nodded suprised, "I'm not really seeing your son, we kissed once at a party and well he was supposed to call me today but I guess he didn't have time since he was talking to you." 

The Cheif nodded, "so your the girl he hit that boy for." 

"Yeah, thats me." I replied awkwardly, "I wouldn't be to hard on you son sir he hit that ass- sorry guy, with good intentions." 

He nodded, "I know, but at the Cheif of the SFVPD (San Fernando Valley Police Department) I can't exactly go around promoting violence or commending my son for hitting a boy." 

I nodded, "fair enough." 

The door opened and my Mother strode in sitting down next to me, "sorry I'm late there was a lot of traffic." 


I sat on the bench next to benny picking at the side of my nails, I was bored out of my mind and we had been forbidden to talk, Bill was out of town and my Mother had broken her ankle so she couldn't come by herself. Gabby's and Yeah-yeah's parents had promised to send someone to pick pick her up  although everyone but me and the two of them was sceptical they would actually even be coming. 

The door swung open and four elegantly dressed people strode in sunglasses on their faces and a huge air of cofidence around them. The woman was the spitting image of Gabby and the father had a striking resemblance to both of the twins. "Who's that?" I asked Benny watching as the police men turned to stare. "Yeah-yeah's parents." he said pointing at the two in the front, "and their assistant Natalie and their lawyer." 

I made a worried face, "we were supposed to bring a lawyer?!" 

Benny shrugged, "I have no clue, but my Mom or Teeny's can lawyer for you they both work in the same firm." 



I rushed forwards when I saw my parents walk in, my brother right behind me. My mother pulled me into a tight coat, "Gabriella darling! Don't worry we'll have this all sorted out in no time at all." My dad had his arm around Allan's shoulders, my brother was practically beaming up at him. 

My Mother turned to the police men who were staring, "well?" she asked, "is a single one of you going to show me to the person who's going to interrogate my children or are you going to wait for me to do it myself?" 

They snapped back into action leading us into one of the rooms with the deputy chief, "the cheif is interviewing one of the other witnesses right now so I'll be conducting this interview. Is it really necesssary for your assistant to be here as well as your lawyer." 

My mother crossed her amrs unimpressed, "Yes, it is, who's the person being interviewed by the chief?"

"I can't disclose-." The deputy started. 

"Teeny." I told her.

"Ok and who's here for her?" My mother asked. 

"Her Mother." Yeah-yeah told her watching as the deputy exchanged confused glances with someone behind the mirror. My Father nodded, "good woman, no nonsense, has her feet on the ground. What about you freind son?" 

"Benny's mom is a lawyer too and Bella's not my freind but I have no idea who's representing her. You sent a chauffer to her house right?" Yeah-yeah asked. My father nodded aprrovingly, "well then lets get this over with." 

The deputy nodded, "I just want to disclose that this is not an interrogation, I do not think any of those children killed that man I just want to get a feel of what they saw at the scene of the crime." 

Sandlot chicks // Benny Rodriguez // Jordan Phillips// Yeah-yeah McLennanWhere stories live. Discover now