Part 2 - Baseball boys

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Bella's pov:
I waved at the girls as they drove past on their bikes, I was stupid to hope they might ask me to come along. "Isabella! Come and make yourself useful my stepfather called from the house.

I grabbed a box of things and walked into the house, as I walked down the corridor to my room I had to stop myself from out right laughing.

My stepfather had made a whole room, and it was quite a good size too, his baseball dedication room. He was a totall fangirl! Forcing myself to move along I walked past my brothers room watching as he hung up his things and are-built his inventions.

"Hey Bella!" He said pushing  his door open with his foot, "when I'm done we can go for a walk!" He grinned at me and nodded.

I finished my room quite quickly and went to go get my brother, "MOM we're going for a walk!" I shouted.

"Come back before seven darling!" She called back.

"Sure thing!"

Scotty was wearing his baseball glove and I had borrowed my step Dad's. The plan was to go find an open space and try to practice some catching. It's not like we had anything better to do anyways.

After about seven minutes we heard yelling and laughing from behind some bushes. My brother walked through them disappearing on the other side. Scowling I followed.

When I got to the other side of the bushes I saw a bunch of boys playing baseball on a Sandy grass field. We watched them play for a bit, I smiled although it wasn't the same as playing I still loved to watch. I had had a team with a bunch of my friends back in New York.

"WATCH OUT!" A red headed kid with freckles yelled, I saw the ball flying at us and went to get it but Scotty beat me to it completely missing and falling over. I could've probably still caught it but I didn't want my brother to feel worse than he already did.

They laughed at him.

Then he went to get the ball from behind the bushes whispering to himself not to be a goofus when the gate started to rumble abs strange noises come from behind.

He threw it back to them, unfortunately it landed a measly two meters away from him. I grimaced, feeling bad for him.

The boys playing burst out laughing and my brother scrambled away embarrassed, "JACKASSES!" I yelled at them, I ran over to the ball and picked it up. Then I hurled it towards them letting it hit the small tanned one.

Then I stormed out of their baseball field and after my brother, he had reached the house before me and locked himself in his room. I knocked on the door, "go away Bella!" He snapped.

I sighed and walked into my room, I felt bad, obviously, but a little annoyed he had snapped at me. I hadn't done anything! A couple hours later could hear my brother ask our step dad to teach his to throw and catch, but after a couple pitches from Bill, Scotty ended on the floor with a black eye. And the session was called to an end.

Teeny's pov:
Gabby had come for dinner today, unfortunately so had Bertram and Allan along with my Aunt Kathie. Gabby shot me a bored look and I returned it, our brothers had no conversation other than baseball. It was ridiculous!

"And then this new kid and his sister watched us play and Benny hit a homer and the kid tried to catch it and fell over! It was so funny and then he went to get from the bushes and when he threw it back..." Bertram and Yeah-yeah wheezed with laughter, "and when he threw it back it flopped like three meters away forms!" and once again they were howling with laughter tears practically streaming down their faces.

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