Part 7 - The party pt 1

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I Included the outfits the girls wear to the party in the picture above, feel free to imagine something else if you don't like it :)


Teeny and Gabby burst through the front door and ran into the kitchen where I was sitting, I didn't mind though and my mother adored them anyways so she didn't either. "Well did she say yes? Can you go?" They asked leaning over the kitchen counter.

"Morning ladies." My mothers said coming up behind me and ruffling my hair. They shot her twin grins, "morning Mrs Smalls."

She laughed shaking her head, "I already told you to call me Angela."
"So can Bella come? We promise to take extra good care of her." Gabby said hugging me from across the counter.

"Guys she already said yes!" I answered making him both shriek with excitement and grab onto each other so they could jump up and down in the kitchen.

Scotty walked into the kitchen shooting us confused looks "what's going on?" He asked. "Mom said I could go to the Party this weekend." I told him excitedly.

He grinned at her shooting his me a thumbs a up before grabbing his mit. "Mom I'm going to the Sandlot!" He shouted over his shoulder as he made for the door.

"Hey Smalls!" Gabby shouts after him making my brother stop dead in his tracks, "if you've could keep this-." She was cut off by my brother.

"No sorry I can't hear you, no secrets today Gabby!" He called as he started to sprint for it. My brother was a horrible secret keeper so he avoided them at all costs.
Gabby chased after him tripping over the sling of the back pack that Bill had chucked on the floor and smacking down in the floor.

"Hell." She muttered not wanting swear with my mother around.
Teeny and I pulled her up to her feet, "we'll just go shopping and avoid them, they won't looking for us at the mall." I said putting on my shoes.

I hadn't actually been there yet but Teeny and Gabby knew it like the backs of their hand. We bought some new clothes and had lunch there instead of at home at the risk of being spotted by our siblings. It was more fun just the thee of us anyways.

Eventually we had to go back to someone's house to get ready, "we're not going to mine to get ready, because I can guarantee that Allan has already assembled the whole Sandlot in my house, but I do have to sneak in to grab my shoes which should be a cinch since I left our bedroom window open." Gabby told us as we cycled back to her house.

"We can go to mine to get ready." I offered as we parked our bikes outside the McLennan house. Teeny and Gab grinned at me before Gaby hoisted herself up into the tree outside and then leapt off the branch so that she was hanging off if her window sill.

I shot Teeny a concerned look but she brushed it off, apparently Gabby did this all the time. She swung her foot up onto the windowsill and pushed herself up and inside.

About a minute later she swore loudly in her room, "oh shitballs!"
I scrambled up onto the tree Teeny behind me and jumped onto the window sill before very un-gracefully pulling myself into the room.

The whole Sandlot, and when I say whole I mean even Timmy and Tommy, was standing in the room their arms crossed and a smug grin on their faces.

Yeah-yeah grinned, "we knew you'd come back eventually, you forgot your special shoes and it was only a matter of time before you came to get them."

I scoffed, "we'll deducted Sherlock, come on Gabs let's go." I said linking my arm through hers as Teeny came up behind us. Yeah-Yeah shook his head, "I don't think so, Gabby, mom specifically said we had to tell her anywhere we went without each other while she was gone and your not leaving until you do."

Sandlot chicks // Benny Rodriguez // Jordan Phillips// Yeah-yeah McLennanWhere stories live. Discover now