Chapter 1 - (rewrites finished ... I think)

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His spine hurt from being slammed against the whiteboard. The heat emitting from Bakugou's hand foreshadowed the agony of the appendage on his shoulder. Izuku wanted to cry.

'Can't I just have this one thing?'

The teacher had outed his application to Yuuei in front of the whole class. Izuku had tried to get out of the building as soon as the bell rang, but Bakugou has grabbed the loose armstrap of his bag and dragged him into an empty classroom.

His notebook went out the window.

Izuku's shoulder hurt and he wanted to scream, but screaming would mean teachers. Teachers brought detention, and he didn't want to spend more time here than he had to.

"Useless Dekus like you don't belong next to the likes of me, got it?!" Bakugou snarled, "All you would be is a liability on the field! Stay out of my way and out of Yuuei!"

The burning feeling of his shoulder spiked and he could see smoke.

A running mantra of 'Get it off. Get it off! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!' swam through Izuku's head.

Izuku didn't scream even though he wanted to. Instead, he started breathing deep and slow to try and keep his composure. The Midoriya tears^tm were really working against him.

Bakugou seemed a little unnerved by his reaction, and he leaned away, taking the hand with him. The boy headed to the door followed by his band of unwanted lackies that Izuku didn't even notice before now.

When he reached the door frame, Bakugou turned back to Izuku.

"You know, if you want to be a hero so bad, then your only chance is to take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life." And the boy left with the lackies chuckling as they followed.

Izuku slowly slid down the wall till he hit the floor, heart breaking under shattered hopes.


Izuku only has a vague understanding of what happened across the next hour. It could be equated to a kind of shock.

He exited the school and retrieved his soggy, burnt notebook from the fountain, cursing. He put it in the front pocket of his backpack, careful not to rest the strap on his stinging shoulder.

He had started to make his way home and he decided to take the quicker route under the overpass. Then, he couldn't breathe. He was wet, and slimy, and suffocating. For all that he fought, the world faded to black.

Izuku came to with someone lightly slapping his face. Then he was on a roof top and his favorite hero, his idol, his reason to hope answered his question.

"No, I don't....."

Izuku didn't hear much after that. All Might left and now Izuku's dreams matched his heart. Shoes rubbing the raised edge of the roof, Izuku simply stood in shock. He stayed like that for a little while, until his utter bafflement from the audacity and the unfairness and the pain washed over him.

"So that's it.... There's really no..." Izuku's breath hitched, and he coughed up a glob of slime.

In an effort to save himself from what just happened, Izuku's thoughts went back to Bakugou.

"Who does he think he is?" Izuku couldn't help but wonder out loud, "What if I actually did it, huh? What would he say then?" The sinking feeling in his stomach doesn't lessen and he can feel an impending headache coming on.

'Be realistic'

He looks down off the roof. It's a quiet street with almost no foot traffic. No one to find him if he-

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