what'ch ya gonna do?

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Content warning:

Oblivious authority figures, self doubt/deprication, boy with anger issues.

The next morning, Izuku woke from his sub-sleep daze to his alarm clock blaring in his ear, and on reflex, threw it across the room. It is safe to say that the alarm clock is now dead.

As he was getting dressed and packing his bags, he had time to think. "Bakugo is going to try and light my ass on fire today, I just know it. I need to do something to avoid him, he knows my route home and everything..."

Izuku decided he was going to fight back, or at the very least do something, to increase his chances of survival. There was no way Bakugo was going to let him off the hook.

He was right.

The moment the bell rang, Izuku ran. He rushed through the hallways, into an empty classroom, and climbed out of an open window, careful to not make any noise as he hid in the bushes.

He never exited the building through unconventional means before, and he didn't know if he would be in trouble, but he kinda liked it.

Bakugo and his followers searched for a while, taunting and calling names. Bakugo was firing mini explosions in any of his usual spots. After an hour of hiding, Bakugo and his lackies went home, and Izuku could breathe.


Bakugo was mad. Scratch that, he was beyond pissed. If stupid Deku thought he could upshow him and get away with it, he was wrong.

Bakugo tried to corner the nerd and catch his eye all day, but Deku was avoiding him. It was pissing him off.

The moment the bell rang, the nerd booked it at top speeds and was gone before he could follow. "When did the damn nerd get so fast?"

After an hour, he gave up searching and went home.

In all honesty, Bakugo knew he wasn't just mad at the nerd. He knew that a piece of him was guilty, regretful, and worry-ridden.

Deku had run in there, with no regard for his own life, to save him, and Bakugo felt as though he had a part in that decision. If only he hadn't gone over his damn head trying to put on a show, Deku might have considered his own life.

The thought struck him hard. 'Deku could have died, and it would be my fault he didn't stay safe. It would be my fault he died.'

But heros don't feel guilt or regret. Heros face onward at all times, beating anyone who threatens the peace and wins. Right?


Toshinori set up a meeting with Tsukauchi on the weekend. His worry was increasing with each day that passed.

After they sat down in their coffee shop booth and ordered, Naomasa spoke.

"You said your secret might be exposed?"

"Unfortunately, yes."


Yagi went on to explain the series of events that took place earlier that week, and the look on Naomasa's face became increasingly worried, confused, disappointed, and surprised. When Yagi finished with his story, Tsukauchi just took a deep sigh and held his head in his hands.

"There are so many things wrong with what you just told me." He looked like he was one word from beating Yagi to a pulp, which surprised the skinny man. "If it were not for the laws of the land you would have your ass beat right now."

Now if that didn't put a spike through Yagi's conscious, he didn't know what would. His friend had never looked at him like that before.

Tsukauchi took another deep sigh. "I'm gonna explain what you did wrong and you are going to sit there and listen. Got it?"

Yagi nodded.

"Good. Number 1, you disregarded civilian safety protocol and neglected to mention this boy in your report. Number 2, you left this boy on a roof after crushing his dreams. Whats worse is that he told you he was quirkless, and you, hopefully, know at least a fraction of what he must go through. Number 3, your inflated ego failed to realize that you insulted him on multiple levels and then had the audacity to try and be the larger power." He looked back at Yagi, who indicated that he was still listening.

He continued, "From what you are telling me, he has a sharp mind but no recognition. He knew exactly what you did wrong and has done his own research. He handled that rescue efficiently despite no experience and he was in his every right to insult and berate you after what you did."

Tsukauchi sighed again and dropped his hands to the table, "Did you at least get his name? I want to keep an eye on him and you need to correct the report."

'Shit.' Yagi started to sweat. "Um..about that..."

"God-damn it Yagi!"


Back in his own house, Izuku went back to researching, only, his heart wasn't in it.

Izuku was on a teetering edge. He already knew that he couldn't be a hero, already accepted it, but then this quirk showed up, and he doesn't know what to do.

Technically, with this quirk he has, he would be fighting quirkless in a majority of battles, so what All Might said still applies, but Izuku doesnt even trust him anymore.

'All Might can suck it. If he can't follow necessary protocol, then he shouldn't have his licence. Who is he to say anything?'

'That doesn't mean he was wrong. I would be a liability. I can't fight, I can't block, hell, I can't even speak without stuttering.'

A thought drifted through his head as he fell asleep:

'If I can't be a hero, then what am I worth?'



Thanks for reading chapter 7!

This is a small filler to connect pieces I guess. Real character bonding is being speedran in the back stage over here, so get excited.

Updates on the weekends and when I feel like it!

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