chapter 26 - i have a Limbo obsession

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The rest of the week went much of the same. Izuku and Shinso skirted around All Might, Eraserhead took no nonsense from the class, and the rest of the teachers gradually increased the homework they gave.

Izuku gave his finalized designs to Momo and Uraraka later the next day. It wasn't until Friday that Izuku went to find Hatsume Mei himself.


"Um...Hi? I'm looking for Mei Hatsume?" Izuku said peering through the door.

"Dear God no" Powerloader was holding his hands above his head like he was going through a tornado drill. "Why today?!"

All of a sudden, there was a giant noise from one of the back rooms. The door opened, releasing a thick cloud of smoke that a pink-haired girl wearing goggles stepped out of. "Sorry, again, Mr. Powerloader, Sir, but heard someone was asking for me?!"

"Yes, this is Izuku Midoriya" Powerloader said, still not raising his head or hands. "Please, don't start a second school fire."

"No promises!" Mei Hatsume said as she grabbed Izuku's arm and pulled him into her workroom.

She kicked open the door to reveal several tables covered in different gadgets and gizmos, all in different points of development. "What can I help you with today?"

Izuku started by pulling out his notebook. "Well, I was really impressed with the work you did with Shinso and I's costumes, and I wanted to know what else you had planned for them."

Hatsume's eyes gleemed. "So many things! Where do I start?"

"How about Shinso's costume?"

Hatsume nodded and pulled him over to a table on the far wall. "Here is what babies I've got so far: a voice modifier, com, database lenses, custom shoes, knuckle busters, and my own version of Eraserhead's scarf. He already has the capture ribbons on his hoodie." She said as she held up various inventions. "I did some inspiration searching for both of your costumes and based them on Spiderman. I was thinking of trying to develop my own version of the nanobot suit to use on your costumes, but I needed to talk with you first."

Izuku was practically vibrating with excitement. "Those are all really good ideas! I didn't even think of database lenses."

"I know right?" Hatsume said, gesturing with her hands. "Ready to see yours?" Izuku nodded.

She dragged him to another table. "Take a looksee!"

The table had even more gadgets than Shinso's did. "Are you ready!" Izuku nodded again in disbelief.

"Alright, first are the utility belt babies: the stun disks, expandable cuffs, coms, and the instant flame capsules. Then, are the big boys, my pride and joy: The Monster Set!"

Izuku was writing frantically in his notebook. "What is the Monster Set?"

Hatsume gave him a wide grin. "You know how your mask has teeth and your body suit has scales?" Izuku hummed in reply.

She walked over to a tarp covered lump, grabbed a corner, and pulled it off. "Tada!"

The peices were, in a way, beautiful. Glossy black and red metal formed into shiny entricate contraptions laid on the table.

"Wonderful aren't they." Hatsume said, standing by his side now. "Miniture flame thrower wrist brace, com and recording headband, and my latest obsession to work on: the tail."

At that, Izuku snapped out of his trance. "Tail?"

Hatsume nodded. "Yes, tail. I figured you would need something for mobility and increased range. You can thank your classmate Ojiro for giving me inspiration."

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