Two guys sitting in a hot tub 2 feet apart 'cuz they're not gay

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Content warning:

Pain. Paranoia. Is it paranoia if its completely logical?

The next morning, Shinso woke up to music blaring from the bedside table in his room. "My god- What is that?"

He made to get up and suddenly became aware of the weight in his lap. He looked down to see a boy with soft green curly hair curled around his chest like a koala.

'Thats right. He stayed over." It, quite frankly, wasn't something Shinso was experienced with as nobody had even wanted to speak to him after they knew his quirk. "Um..."

'That's Midoriya's alarm, right? I should wake him up.'

Shinso nudged the smaller boy and got a groan in return. "Wake up. Your alarm is going off."

Izuku blinked slowly, the sleep slowly draining from his conscious. "Mmm- what?"

"Your alarm."

Approximately three seconds passed before Izuku came to his senses. He hurriedly shot up and hit Shinso's chin. "Ow. Sorry!"

He scrambled out of Shinso's lap, wincing as the cuts on his back strained, and started packing his bookbag. "Where is your clothes dryer?"

"Down the hallway, first door on the right."

Izuku followed the directions to the bathroom and laundry room combo, and started to get ready.

When he stepped out, he was in his school uniform, and was increasingly dead on his feet.

He walked to where Shinso was in the kitchen making breakfast. "Do you have any painkillers?"

Shinso pointed to a cabinet. "In there in the white basket."

Izuku shuffled through the basket till he found the painkillers. "Hallelujah."

Shinso snorted. "I thought we were both of the belief that god is dead."

"He is, but that doesn't mean some 5 year old hasn't replaced him."

"True." Shinso said as he handed him some toast.


School was, once again, hell.

Every movement Izuku made sent flashes of pain up his back. The painkillers he got from Shinso wore off halfway into the school day. It made it extremely difficult to stay quiet.

The only good thing was that the rest of the school seemed to get Bakugo's message. They weren't bothering him. Or, well, bothering him less. There was less pushing and more jeering.

Jeering was easier to handle.

The mood had shifted, and it was making Izuku nervous.

When the bell rang to signal the end of the day, he still got out of there as fast as he could. He was wary of Bakugo's promise.

When he was a decent distance away from the school, he checked his messages.


Spooky Bitch

Your mom asks a lot of personal questions.


Izuku snorted, he had been expecting this.


She's just excited. I haven't made a friend in a long time.

Spooky Bitch

She is asking for me to come over for dinner. Should I?

Sure. I mean, I've been in your house. Its my turn now.

Spooky Bitch

Okay. What's your address?


Izuku sent his address and continued walking home.


Thanks for reading Chapter 12!

This is a small filler. More chapters to make up for the ones I couldn't post last week.

Updates on weekends. Feedback is appreciated.

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