Spain without the s

249 13 1

Content warning:

Hate crime, attack, injury, ECT.


School was hell.

He knew he couldn't outrun or outsmart Bakugo and his lackies forever, but he was taken by surprise. During lunch, he had been in the middle of texting Shinsou a question about his quirk and forgot to hide.

"Hey Deadbeat!"

Izuku froze. 'thats a new one...'

He looked up from his phone. There were 3 boys halfway across the room from him. Immediately, Izuku noticed that all of the doors had been locked, but a window was open. It was a two story drop. If he maneuvered right he would land safely.

Izuku started moving towards the window, only for his movements to slow down to a snail's pace.

One of the boys gave out a sadistic chuckle. "You didn't think we would let you try that again did you?"


Bakugo didn't know what to feel. He was angry at Deku for playing hero, but also grateful he did do something. Those pros were just standing there and letting him suffer.

'Why was Deku the only one to do something? Was I really that worthless that only Deku thought I was worth saving? Did Deku have a death wish or something?'

Something in Bakugo's chest ached. 'maybe Deku does have a death wish...'

The anger in his chest was twisting to the point of agony. He needed to set this right. He needed answers.

He made his way back towards the classroom, but when he reached the door he heard shouting.


"C'mon Freak! Just try and do something!"

The door to the classroom slammed open. "Just what do you extras think your doing?"

The boys turned to face Bakugo. "Hey! The big guy 's here!"

"I said, what do you think you're doing?!" Bakugo slammed the door shut behind him.

Izuku was on the ground, pinned and bleeding. There were cuts across his hip and back. One of the boys was on top of him, keeping him from moving. Another boy was standing nearby, hands glowing. The third boy was standing by the second, taking pictures and snickering.

The boy on Izuku snorted. "Just giving the freak something to remember us by, that's all. Want in?"

"No, I want you out. Only I put Deku in his place! Got it?!"

"Uncool, Bakugo. Let us have a little fun every once in a while."

"I said, beat it!" Bakugo took several steps forward, causing the three boys to scramble back and leave.

Now that he was closer, he could see what they were really doing to Deku. The bloody marks on his back spelt Quirkless and the ones on his hip spelt Freak.

The nerd was deathly quiet, except for small gasps and winces. Bakugo was hit with a realization. 'How long has it been since he has said anything to me?'

Bakugo held out his hand to the nerd, only for Deku to flinch. "O-okay.. No touching. Got it." Bakugo cursed himself for stuttering as Deku sat up.

"Do you have anything to patch up?" Deku pointed to his bag. Bakugo got up, searched through the bag, and found a first aid kit.

"Do you n-need help reaching your back?" The nerd nodded, already opening the kit and pulling out a spray.

Bakugo awkwardly helped Deku patch up his back, the nerd pointing to whatever he needed to use.

Once they were done, Deku looked like he wanted to say something. His mouth was opening and closing like a stupid fish, until he pulled out a mini notebook. He wrote something in it and handed it to Bakugo.

Why are you trying to help?

'Why am I helping...' This question made Bakugo question himself. He didn't really know why. He still hated the nerd with a burning passion, and he had made a far few injuries to the other boy over the years, but he still felt the need to make sure Deku was okay. It was agrivating in the worst way possible.

The best way to explain it would be...well.... "I mean, you may be a worthless, stupid Deku, but no one deserves to have it carved on their skin like that... I may hate you with every fiber of my being, and want to destroy you every chance I get, but at least I have standards."

What those standards are is completely up in the air above the two boys, having confrontations with eachother since kindergarten left very little things untried in the realms of playground torture.

They both stood there in awkward silence until the bell rang, signaling next block.

Bakugo still felt the awkwardness in his chest squirming around as he turned back to the nerd.

"This changes nothing. Got it? A one time deal. I still hate you and I'm going to beat your ass the next chance I get. Just a heads up."

Deku nodded and shuffled to his seat in the back corner as footsteps sounded down the halls.


Thanks for reading chapter 10!

Sorry this one is late. I had troubles with getting my phone to charge, and I can't use wattpad on anything else.

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