Chapter 10

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Author∆: If y'all are wondering what Irene look like then look at the very end of the chapter

Also, I change these 👇🏽 I forgot what it called






[Sysa speaking]

{Creatures Talking}

Change point of view

C10 - Uh oh

Third person POV

It is the hour pass midnight. The wind is blowing through the leaves and branches of tall trees, creating a rustling sound that fills the eeri air

The stars twinkles with mystery, surrounding the full moon and illuminate their shine to support the moon's from glowing softly

It is a peaceful silent night, a night for a group of individuals that sleeps on the ground with blankets on them

It was until one of the individuals heard a voice calling his name

"Kai... Kai..."

The individual in red gi woke up with a startle, the fogginess remains of his eyes from his sleep that soon slowly fades



"Was that...?" He murmured looking around and saw a silhouette of his younger sister between the gap of bushes and trees

"I have to go" She disappear into the mist

"Nya! Wait up!" Kai exclaimed as he stood up and follows the girl to the path she disappear into

When the boy chases after his sister, grey sharp orbs slowly opened

It's time

With a small excited smile, she turned to an individual whose sleep is soon to be disturbed and gently shake him awake

"Elder Wu. I saw Kai following a girl earlier, is it someone he knew?" Irene asked with a oblivious and curious voice

Irene knows who and why. However, she wanted to act oblivious to the situation since she would soon meet the girl anyway, and besides she can't disturb and interrupt the original show at this time since it is important

She will have to force herself in, but soon. It is not the perfect time yet

Master Wu snapped awake, his eyes narrowing as he stood up and grabbed his staff

"Stay here Irene, it is dangerous for you" Master Wu warned as he rush to follow the direction Irene pointed at

Great, now all I have to do is wait

Irene leaned on a tree, closing her eyes as she control her breathing to appear asleep

She hid her straw hat inside her 'Space Inventory' together with the clothes she use when she arrive. She may be in a kid show but that did not stop her from maintaining a clean and healthy hygiene

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