Chapter 7

492 17 2

Author ∆: Wassup readers, I'm still alive!

"H" - Talking

E - Thoughts/Thinking

"L" - Shouting

"L" - Whispers

[Ol - Telepathy

H - Author speaking

I - Chapter Title/Change point of view

C7 - Nice to meet you!

✧✧Third person✧✧

"Are you implying that I'm not on my right mind, big brother?" A mysterious warm voice of a girl asks, her voice full of playfulness as she flashes a bright smile at the frozen blue ninja

"IRENE?!" Jay shouted, his voice echoing through the quiet night, his face shows his surprise. The boys around him cover their ears from his piercing scream but keep their stare at the girl in front of them

They stare in awe at Irene, her smile is full of tease yet something in them is charming, her body postures is confident yet her body is petite with her hands behind her rubbing timidly

They were surprised, especially Kai who have met Irene just a few hours earlier. Cole and Zane were astonished, the girl in front of them was the blabber mouth's little sister? Jay actually describe Irene throughout, no wonder Jay would speak highly of his younger sister

"What are you doing here?!" Jay asked, taking steps forward in disbelief as the girl giggles, her arms spreading widely as if she is waiting for him to hug her. Her action didn't go unnoticed as Jay also raised his arms

"A visit? It's been months since I've last seen you! Woah look at you! Your blue! It matches you!" Irene complimented, walking down the stairs as Jay brought her into a big hug

They pull away seconds later as Jay then starts flexing his gi while spinning his nunchucks

"Yeah I know right?! Sensei just changed us into this- Wait a minute! How long are you here?!" He spoke in realization

"Ohh not too long ago~ I clearly didn't hear you mentioned about fainting over my disappearance years ago~" Irene teases, a large smirk growing on her face as Jay groaned

Jay didn't tell anyone, besides his parents who caught him before he fell into the ground and his friends happened to find out because of his bragging, he didn't actually want his sister to find out because he want his sister to see him as a strong and fearless brother

"Wait wait wait- You're this blabber mouth's sister?" Cole asked in disbelief, pointing at Jay who glared at him in protest

Cole was interested, when he met Jay he saw the boy was a Siscon blabber mouth, Jay really did find opportunity to boast and brag the achievements his sister got after all

"Yup that's me! Hi! My name is Irene Walker!" Irene answers, smiling warmly. The entire place started blooming imaginary flowers as the moon turn into a imaginary sun

Cole blinks, he suddenly feels calm as if he was on a vacation at early morning. He don't know why but he felt a weird pull within him that urges him to know the girl better. It's strange...yet calming

But he is not the jnly one who is feeling the same. Kai and Zane also felt a pull towards the girl

"Is it me or the entire place actually brightens?" Zane, who was quiet the whole time, commented as Irene tilt her head in confusion

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