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I leant against the bathroom wall. Woah my cheeks were warm. I've never felt this feeling before so I had no idea how to make it go away. Maybe I pretend I'm ill? That might work. But then i don't really want to make a big fuss. Ughhhhh. Why is Scar so hot man? That thought slipped out.

Scars POV :

I was kind of frozen in the kitchen with Pearl beside me.
"I swear you two have something going on." she said.
"We do not!" I defended myself. Being completely honest, I would love if something was happening.
"Well, I think he likes you."
"There's no wa-"
"Yes there is. He started blushing like crazy when he saw you. He obviously knew about the whole situation. About an hour before you woke up, he moved further into your arms! "
"Why are you even up that earl-?" We both stopped speaking as Mumbo walked into the room. He stared at us.
"Am I disturbing you guys? You want to finish that odd conversation? " My eyes were wide open. One the other hand, Pearl rolled her eyes.
"I think me and Scar have had a lovely conversation but I'm pretty sure we both want to move forward and away from that topic. Isn't that right Scar? " Pearl spoke, questioning me. I knew what she wanted me to answer with so I started nodding. A lot.
"Yes! Definitely! That's a great idea! " I blurted out. Mumbo gave us a half smile, got himself a cup of water and left back to the main room. I sighed, relieved he didn't ask about what we were talking about. Did he know though? I've already got Pearl knowing, I don't need someone else. Back to the topic. I asked her, " Are you a vampire or something?!"

It was around 9am when Martyn woke up. He was the last one so now everyone was chilling and talking. The rest of the morning was nice and relaxed. For a Sunday morning, I would usually be busy with homework since my old school would make us do double the work out of the horrid place. But here was nice. No teachers that shout in your face if you're even a second late. No people that judged me. Just a place for me to fit in. Others might not feel like that. But I do.

Etho and Cleo made us breakfast, pancakes. They were nice. Etho was convincing everyone to try maple syrup. Of course he was he's Canadian! But it made them ten times better. For the rest of the time there, which was around till 1pm, we played games. Joel screamed a lot when Scott kept on escaping him.
"SCOTT WILL YOU GET BACK HERE AND LET ME WIN." Everyone laughed at how angry he got. I've got to admit, Joel's a funny guy. In the end, Scott won half the games which made Joel sulk, mainly because he kept coming second.
"Now I don't like you even more!" he said, crossing his arms. Scott smirked. We all knew what his comeback was here.
"Yeah. But your brother still likes me!" he spat out.
"I swear. How does Jimmy even like you?!" Joel asked Scott.
"I'm just so cool. Why wouldn't he like me? I mean, I'm everything a man could ever want!"
Joel raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah reallyyyyy.. " he said sarcastically.  Knowing that his lovers brother hated him, made Scott laugh.
"Your brother loves me. I win."
"That's just unfair man." Joel spoke. They both stared at eachover. Scott let out a slight sound that sounded like a laugh. This started off everyone laughing. I think I might of cried of how funny it was.

When I left Pearls apartment, I couldn't wait until I saw them again tomorrow. It was so fun hanging out with them. They were definitely the right friend group to end up with. If I had got to pick a group, it wouldn't have been any different than this universe.

Grians POV :

I don't know why I can't stop thinking about this morning. I hope Scar doesn't think I'm weird. I think I was okay. I tried not to freak out for the rest of the morning, I think I did well. Man. He's such a nice person. Why would he even date me anyway? I'm probably just over thinking it. He deserves way better than me. I'm just some random kid that gets bullied. What's so special about that?

It was around 6pm when i got a text. I was laying on my bed, chilling and getting my energy back from all the chaos earlier. My phone buzzed. I assumed it was probably Mumbo attempting to get me to join an after school club, as he's done that for the past 2 years. It was quite the opposite though, it was Scar? Why would he need to text me? I read his text.
"Hey Grian. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow after school? Your choice. If yes, maybe my apartment?"
I smiled. After earlier, I thought he'd see me as a weirdo for running off.
"Sure!" I replied. "Do you want to talk more about it in lessons?"
"That would be great." He texted.
"Great! See you tomorrow. :)"
"See ya Grian!!"
Yeah he definitely makes me happy. Who wouldn't want someone who wants to hang out with you?

Scars POV :

Yess! Im so happy he wants to hang out! I can't wait! We could play games together. He'll probably beat me like a few hours ago but oh well. At least he'd be happy. And that's all I want. I want to make sure he's safe. I might have only known him for... A week? That doesn't matter though.

Hiii! So happy with this chapter! Trying to upload at least once/twice a week to balance it out. I wrote this in 3 sittings, maybe an hour to figure it out. Hope ur enjoying this.
-Layla :)

1002 words

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