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"Excuse me? You're the one who popped out from nowhere." I said glaring at me. His expressions remained stable then, he chuckled and said "never knew THV club will catch the eye of a kid." I gasped hearing his words. Does he even have any idea who the fuck he is talking too?

"You asshole." i was about to push him away but for my surprise jennie and joae pulled me back. "What the fuck guys i will kill this asshole." I yelled and made everyone look at me for real. Every single person's face turned towards me. Do i give a fuck? Absolutely no!!

"Y/n don't stop it, you don't have any idea who he is." I chuckled at joae's words and said "i dont give a shit." I marched towards him and was about to slap him but he caught my wrist he is fast as fuck. My eyes glare at him. 5 men pull their guns towards me.

Ugh? So, who the actual fuck he is? A gangster? He pulled me towards him and said "you can die on the spot sweetheart." his gripped tighter around my wrist i gave him death glare and said "why you pulling up another mans? Your dick must be small which cant fight."

I laughed at my own Words. I thought he will get angry or something but no his face was just expressionless damn it its fucking annoying. Suddenly, he left my wrist and I saw my bodyguards approaching me. "Mam are you okay?" "I'll kill you!"

I completely ignored jennie, joae And my bodyguards i said those words to that random stranger and left useless bodyguards.


"Y/n wait for us.." i heard jennie and joae screaming i looked behind and saw both of them coming after me with those useless bodyguards. I pulled out my cigarette and blew it. I put it in between my lips and inhale the smoke and exhale the left out.

"Don't smoke!" Jennie said, trying to get a cigarette from me. I jerk her hands off whenever i get angry i just want to smoke nothing else right now my mind is blowing up. I looked at my bodyguards and said "you fuckers dad send you to protect me and there i was arguing with a radom man on my own where the fuck you were?"

One of them bowed to me and said "we are sorry Miss Min at first we didn't know. But when we all got to know each other, we all immediately came inside but the argument stopped." I laughed "oh so it is? So what? You should fucking beat that man!" I yelled and threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it.

I slapped him. He deserves he didn't completed his duty. I hate it jennie and joae pull me back i pushed them away and said. "Why? Why are you all my bodyguards when you can't Even protect me well? I don't even need you all. I can fight my own but you feed yourself with my dad's money so you should do your duty!"

Jennie made me look at her and said "are you crazy? Or what? Bitch they always protect you. All of them beat the shit out of anybody when ever you had a fight in public some of them literally went to hospital. Do you even know who he was? "

" a dick head!!" I said they all signed and joae said "he's kim taehyung!"

"Which breed is this?" I said "leave it I'm going home and fuck you all." I said to my bodyguards they bowed me and jennie and joae went inside my car with me.

Next morning :

Next morning :

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"Hey mom." I was sober of course because last night i didn't Even look at alcohol i didn't even get any time too.. First we were busy clicking pictures, then I had an argument with that stupid man. She smiled and pulled me into a hug today is Sunday. "Good morning sweetie."

I saw my dad Coming towards us while talking on the phone. "Yes okay!" "sure we will wait for you." He said and cut the call and looked at us. "Ssup dad?" I asked while sipping on my juice. "Your grandpa is going to visit us soon." He said with a smile but my smile dropped and buried inside the earth.

"Why?" He sighed and said "y/n he is my dad and your grandpa he can visit us whenever he wants to." He said and sat on the sofa. "Yes I know but he always scolds me for every single thing even for a silly minor mistake. He is always in that dominant era And he complains a lot."

Mom and dad chuckled "then you shouldn't give him any chance to scold you honey." Mom said looking at me "but.." "Now let's end this topic and he is coming here the day after tomorrow and he said he will stay here for a few weeks." I rolled my eyes and said "damn..."

To be continue.. <3

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