Chapter Fourteen: Dark Side War Part 1

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Before Chapter Notes.

Okay so I'm sorry this took so long, I have been crazy busy recently, And then it took me quite a bit to write The Accelerator Story chapter 15, But here we are.

So, as I have mentioned multiple times this volume will not be anything about RWBY cannon and it is going to get very dark, So be prepared for that.

There will be quite a bit of change to The RWBY volume and the rest of this volume will be mostly focused on Frenda, We will still see some stories from Beacon, But most of the rest of Volume 2 will not be taking place in Beacon, However, I do have a surprise for Beacon later.

Enjoy Frenda Seivelun's sadism as we will be finally seeing it a lot throughout The Dark Side War. Her darkness has been released.

Okay, that's my notes, On with the chapter.

Part 1.
The music was booming and multiple people were dancing in this club. Nobody in this club was aware that this moment may be their final day on this planet.

Several men all stood atop a building nearby, these men were all from a group called The Claw, It was under a new leader, The one known as Dark Sides Bane, Aihana Etsu. She decided to wake up the Dark Side and she wanted a war, She had her men dressed in outfits from the group known as Silverwater, the club was owned by The Spiders, They were the ones who often had clubs and other establishments to make their money.

The goal was simple and the men knew exactly what was required from them, They all walked down the steps.

At the club the civilians and the Spider members inside were not prepared for the explosions that began to go off all over the club, Men and women began running and screaming but not many could escape as suddenly bullets began to pierce their bodies. Many of the people in this club didn't have aura so they were being easily gunned down, As well as many of The Spiders members.

The Claw who were dressed in Silverwater gear relentlessly murdered hundreds of people in cold blood, An attack like this would surely make the news even on the Dark Side, At the same time The Spiders responded trying their best to defend against this surprise attack.

"It's Silverwater!"

The bullets flew among the room going back and forth between The Claw and The Spiders, More explosions rang out and more Bodies and body parts were scattered among the room.

This was all being watched by A certain girl who was pretending to be Academy City's #6 Aihana Etsu but in reality, she was actually a Level 4 named Kaede Nath, She used to have another name but after she got to this world she changed that around, She was adopted by The Nath's and now her new name was Kaede Nath.

She had her little stepbrother on her lap, The young boy was eating a bucket of popcorn as he watched the carnage taking place in the club. The boy known as Enzo Nath was so fascinated with the carnage that he didn't even flinch when his older sister Kaede ran her tongue up his neck.

"You seem to really be enjoying this little show Enzo."

The boy only smiling as he shoved more buttery popcorn in his mouth said one thing. "It's beautiful."

Kaede Nath grinned. "I'm glad you're having fun," Kaede replied then she got an encrypted call on her scroll by the man known as Shark or The Shark. She answered it and placed it against her ear.

"We were successful in killing The Spiders and civilians in the club."

"Good, Carry out a few bodies of The Spiders and then torch the club."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Right after he hung up Kaede and Enzo both watched as They began to set fire to the club.

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