Chapter Three: Forest of Grimm

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Time for some secrets.

Part 1.
Dust Till Dawn, it is the shop that Frenda Seivelun works at, she was currently restocking the store for tomorrow, Frenda had already become the employee of the month, and she had only been working here for a few months.

Frenda was loved by the customers, since she is actually a great people person, and can make friends pretty easily, her boss Mr. Shopkeep also found Frenda to be a dream, she never missed a day, and was always on time or early.

Frenda always goes that extra mile, doing extra work, and staying overtime if need be, Frenda really enjoys living in Remnant more, than Academy City, back in Academy City, Frenda didn't really like much, besides the friends she made, She did admit though she also loved the money she earned from Item.

Back in Academy City, Item could get paid, an easy few million yen, or sometimes, hundreds of millions, it depended on the job, and currently, Frenda is only making about twenty-one lien an hour, which is not bad, since lien is much more valuable than Japanese yen, or even the US dollar, but on top of that, stuff is still really expensive at the same time.

For example, SDC brand dust is over a hundred lien a bottle, and that was for the cheaper stuff they sold.

Molly Mayham, had been trying to get Frenda to do a job for Vacant, and at the small amount of money Frenda was making, the thought of doing one illegal job, for a good 40,000 lien, was incredibly tempting, but Frenda turned her down, Frenda didn't want to get back into that life, even if Tai would understand, she wanted to change her life, not go back to darkness.

While Frenda was stocking, Ruby Rose came into the shop. Ruby actually comes in often, one to see Frenda, and two to take advantage of her family member discount, that was another good thing that happened recently.

Tai officially adopted Frenda as a daughter legally, so Frenda was now an official part of the Rose-Xiao long household, and is technically now Ruby's sister, in a way, but Frenda Seivelun didn't feel like she wanted to be a sister, she wanted to be more than that.

In the last few months since, Ruby's fifteenth birthday, Frenda had started to have feelings for Ruby, she was falling for the hyperactive scythe wielder, and it kind of pained her, that she was going to be leaving for Beacon Academy soon, it meant she wouldn't see Ruby for four years, except for on certain holidays, and Summer break.

Frenda wished Ruby could go to Beacon Academy with her, but being only fifteen, Ruby was still two years away from the proper age to attend, Frenda knew it would be a sad goodbye, and honestly, she wasn't prepared to see Ruby cry.

It hurts Frenda's heart to see Ruby cry, she didn't do it often, but she sometimes cried from some things.

When Ruby was kidnapped by Balcor and his men, she cried in Frenda's arms that night, and since that night, anytime it is brought up, Ruby still cries over it, not by much anymore, but there are still some tears that fall.

Frenda had been training Ruby in martial arts, so hopefully, nothing like that will ever happen again, Ruby had also been making sure that most of the time, she was around either Frenda or Yang, and she didn't trust people as easily anymore, after what happened with Salina.

Who Frenda told Ruby, moved to Mistral, but that wasn't the truth, the truth was Salina was murdered.

Molly Mayham had told Frenda that Balcor's body was gone when clean-up got there. This was strange to Frenda, so she did a bit more digging, when she couldn't find Salina, she had Molly search for her, and Molly eventually found out that, Salina's body was in a police morgue.

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