Chapter Four: Dealing with Bullies

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Part 1.
Ruby Rose sat in the chair next to the bed in the hospital wing of Beacon Academy, she hadn't left that spot for the last five days Frenda Seivelun had been asleep, she refused to go back to her dorm room, or anywhere else until Frenda Seivelun woke up.

Frenda Seivelun fainted right after she was made Team leader of FRST and hasn't woken up since, the doctor said that Frenda's aura was affected by some type of artificial venom when they checked her body they found a stitched-up stab wound in Frenda's abdomen, this stab was the injection location for this venom, the doctor didn't know what could have caused it, she had theorized that Frenda was possibly bitten by a king kaiju Grimm since they do carry venom.

But Ruby knew that wasn't it, she knew somebody did this to Frenda, whoever was controlling that mechanical Grimm was responsible for this.

A bit after Frenda fainted, Glynda Goodwitch and Dr. Oobleck were able to get the Grimm open, they found a bunch of controls, motherboards, and other stuff Ruby didn't understand, then they found something that Glynda Goodwitch immediately recognized, it had said, Merlot Industries, inside the head of the Grimm.

Ruby had never heard of that company, she never heard of a Dr. Merlot before in her life, and all Glynda said was his name, she wouldn't give any information on him.

Ruby vowed that if Frenda died from this, then she would kill Dr. Merlot, and whoever was working for him.

Ruby sat watching the monitors, the venom in Frenda was slowly being extracted by some machine that the doctor had, but the doctor said it would be a slow process, and they had been careful because this strange substance that was affecting Frenda's body was foreign and unknown.

The machine wasn't working fast enough, Ruby was truly terrified, the doctor said that she would do everything she could to help, and try and save Frenda, but this venom was spreading faster than the machine could extract it.

Ruby knew that at this rate Frenda would die, it was inevitable, the doctor made that apparent not in so many words, but it was obvious, especially to Weiss who in her own hidden way told Ruby she was sorry for her loss, Yang had called Tai, and informed him of the situation outside the room.

Ruby heard Yang's conversation, she was crying telling Tai that Frenda was going to die, apparently, this venom was too strong to be removed by any normal methods, and even this advanced method they were using wasn't really working.

It had been two days, and nothing, this machine can't extract it fast enough.

(Please too whatever god, or gods, whatever is out there please fix her, I can't lose her please?) Tears were falling from Ruby's eyes, she couldn't lose Frenda but what could save her, Ruby Rose had no idea what to do.

Then in that next moment, the machine that was monitoring Frenda Seivelun's vitals began to beep red, this indicated that Frenda's body was failing.

"No, no please, no." Ruby cried realizing she was watching Frenda die, Ruby used the call button to call the doctor but that wasn't working either.

Ruby got up to run out and call for help when Frenda's body started twitching as if she was having a seizure.

Ruby doesn't know what possessed her to do what she did next.

Ruby placed her hands on Frenda Seivelun's body as is stopped twitching, then Frenda stopped breathing, Ruby's tears were in full force, as she was watching Frenda die.

"No please, Frenda please wake up, please don't die." Ruby cried, she closed her eyes and, cried not knowing what to do as Frenda Seivelun was slowly slipping away into the abyss known as death.

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