Come What May

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When I think of happy
The meaning isn't always the same
One day, it's one thing
But even the next second, it can change
Lately, when I look inward for a smile
I see their face for more than a while
And if you do that over and over again
A while can be forever add infinitum
I can feel my heart bar itself back protect and tighten
Still I feel like a heavy load being lightened
It's something delightful
Don't ask any questions
No matter if you're right
No consequence what is wrong
The inner conscious utters an indescribable song
Maybe it's just time itself; It does what it will
Maybe it's madness and the water is still
I could be dreaming the dawn coming its way at its will
But it doesn't matter
It won't change my mind
Unstable footing
Won't hasten my climb
Because I'll find good footing
I'll make space for my hands
I'll hold on like a titan unbreakable
When life makes it's demands
I'm hopeful; I'm accepting regardless, let come what may
But today I am happy
So everything is okay

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