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Now I can't sit here waiting
For something spectacular to show
On a cold december evening as if I'm pining for the snow
While the fire burns up black and the flames are licking low
Knowing Id have to say I do forever when she should already know
That the smallest descent from loving her leaves my bones so frigid cold
That I can't sit here waiting
For someone to go get me more coal
I'd have travel out myself and freeze to avoid the conversation
Worried of what would come next with a lacking in elation
As if I could ask the reaper to wait a couple seconds more
Begging that I've still got things left in my heart worth living for
And I'd swear that I must buy myself some happy to restock my waining soul
Whilst praying I be bathed in vigor so I can learn the secrets of never growing old

As though I dont know too well such endeavors of man are far too bold
Begrudgungly Ill lay here in the ice until it melts down and brings me out to ocean
As if I'd ever make it past the sidewalk or even into the bloody street
But its just hopeful thinking to want to see the deepest of the sea

And still have coral reefs so colorful and free
That it is a very foreign concept to someone that's forgotten how to open their third eye and see
As if presenting the truth to ones self is a task sometimes so great
We learn to let go of perception as a worrying human trait
And then we walk so blindly
Whos god would dare to tear us down?
None so unsightly as the other mortals here around
Ignorantly blissful in all things passing with due time
Is such a wasteful and sickeningly awful careless crime
Which is why conscientiously cleaning the filthy sins from ones pestulent soul
Cannot be done safely without skill if ones mind and body isn't at a whole
So I beg of thee myself to take the helm again once more
Because I can't wait here forever
When I can't see that I'm what I'm waiting for
And I sense that there is an ending
Like all I'm so very unprepared

But I've got more worth mending
So I beg my hopes be spared

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