S1 Ep11: Should We Tell Them?

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Jade's mum had woken up earlier than usual. She needed some fresh air but it was too late to go out to the compound. So she left her room and went straight to the dining to sit.
She froze for a minute when her eyes flashed on a photo of her husband that was mounted on the door of the fridge alongside several other pictures.
She picked it up, peering at it for a while before angrily throwing it away.
Her heart was filled with regrets, old wounds were suddenly made open by a single photo. She hated her husband so badly. She hated him for being the reason for Chloe's death. She hated him for turning her into this heartless and emotionless mother that Jade had grown to know. She spontaneously teared up, feeling sorry for her rigidity towards her only son since Chloe died.
*Maybe It's not too late to fix things. I could still be the good mom I used to be* she thought to herself as she walked up the stairs and stood before Jade's room.
"Jade" she softly called "Jade?" she called again. No answer, not even his usual "Go away" response, nothing. She knew something was wrong,she could feel it.
She held the knob, slowly turning it to open the door, causing the hinges to make an unusual creaking sound.
Her head went in first, scanning through the room but saw no one. Just Sally who turned to give her a meow.
"The cat now sleeps in his room?" She wondered.
"Jade, are you there?" she asked as she walked in.
The first thing she noticed was the empty bed and a folded sheet of paper with *Mum* written on it, laying at the centre. She curiously picked it up and it read:

       I'm so sorry for putting you through all of this, it was never my intention. I hope you can still forgive me after reading this.

        I've always been hopeful you know. Every since Chloe died I've been hopeful, Praying that one day, just one day, you'll be a mother again even if it was only for an hour. But you didn't mum, you didn't.
But that's by the way though, it's not like any of it even matters any more.
       I have so much to confess to you. You've never really known me, I guess this should give you a heads-up on who your son truly is.

     Let's start from the very beginning, maybe from the day we went for that awful picnic at the beach. The day Chloe died. Or to be more realistic, the day I killed Chloe.
     I know you'd be shocked to your marrows by now but then again that won't change anything either. So just sit and read till the very end.

To be honest, killing her was never intentional but I kind of enoughed it while it lasted. I could remember standing ontop of her, burying her face in the water. No one even noticed, no even knew that the poor girl was slowly losing her breath under my feet.
I can still remember her calling my name and begging me to stop but I didn't care. I had to finish what I started.
         Mum, I'm not saying all of this for you to start shedding those fake tears of yours. I just want you to know that I do regret everything I've done. Because they're so many. They're so many mum.

        You completely changed after that incident, always yelling at dad and I, always nagging, always angry. I hated you so much, I still do though but as I said, it doesn't matter anymore.

Can you remember that day you went out with dad's car, leaving your own for him to go to work with.
That was the day dad died. That was the day I loosened one of the front tyres of your car. I wanted to put an end to you and your constant troubles.
You should have been the one that died that day but instead you chose to leave your car for dad.
Mum you're the reason dad died that day. You were the one that killed dad not me.
But I regretted it though. I regretted being part of it. I loved dad so much. He was the only person that ever truly understood me but now he's no more all thanks to you.

     I feel I should end this confession here but no. I'll say everything that needs to be said.
I never really had friends, I was always on my own, always!
But there was this boy in my class that was naturally drawn to me. His name was Thompson. He is the person whose portrait sits on my reading table. I liked him. Yes mum i actually did. I felt dad's compassion through him. I loved him mum. I know you're disappointed but then again I still ask, of what good is it now?
      There was this day we went to the old water fall at the abandoned park. We went from school, just me and him. I never really wanted to but I couldn't resist his charm, so I followed him to the waterfall.
Mum, let me not bore you any further with my love life,
Let me go straight to the part you'd like to hear. Yes, mum I killed him too.
And not just him, several others.
It all started with me accidentally pushing a stranger off a cliff. I think his body should still be there, do well to find out.
         Back to my stroy. I wanted everything to be our little secret, me and Thompson. But he was a scared little pussy.
Sorry for the curse word mum but he actually deserves it though. He wanted to report me to the police. Mum that stranger literally died because I was trying to save him from being strangled to death. But now I'm the bad guy, I'm the killer.
It was obvious I couldn't change his mind. So I invited him to school at night for a little *Sex in the garden*. I knew he wouldn't resist such an offer. It was a perfect execution plan mum.
Yeah yeah we had sex for hours but right after we were done, I stabbed him countless times on the chest, on the face, everywhere. His blood painted the grasses in the playground red. It was a relief. The one thing that kept me up every night was finally out of the picture.
      Mum you know that saying
*solving one problem creates another problem*
yes, that was exactly what happened.
Someone saw me. Another guy in our class named Peter. The one that recently died. I killed that one too. But not directly though.

    I knew people were planning against me. You know secrets doesn't really last in my school. It didn't take long for some smart ones to figure out I was the one that killed Thompson. It didn't take long for Kate to find out that I killed her brother, Thompson.
She was the one that killed Peter that night. She mistook him for me and then the innocent boy had to loose his life that night.

   I'm so sorry for all these irrelevant confessions I'm making. I just don't want you to be shocked when the news finally gets to your ears.
Don't worry about me though. I'd probably be dead by the time you see this letter. But I'm sure you'll find what ever remains of me at the school playground.
Don't live with regrets mum. I've forgiven you for being a bad mum. I'd love it if you could return the favour.
Your killer son

She stood at the centre of the room. The paper is her hands were shaking, her whole being had lost bearing. It was as if everything she knew about her son were never true.
The telephone rang from the sitting room, she lifelessly went down to answer it. It was a police man on the line
"Am I speaking with Jade's mother?"
"Y.. Ye.. Yes" she stammered in tears. Her whole body was profusely shivering
"Good morning , sorry to disturb you. There's a bit of a situation involving your son ma'am. We'd like to see you at the station ma'am. Hello. ma'am. Are you still on the line? Ma'am..."
The telephone dangled in the air.
Jade's mum was already on the floor, almost lifeless. This night might actually be her last.

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