S1 Ep6:Can We Do It While We Still Breathe?

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The tender rays of the brilliant mourning sun was indeed ravishing. The atmosphere was peaceful, the brightness the day carried was glamorous. The morning seemed happy and the weather looked playful too. But Jade wasn't in the mood for any of that, he was still on his bed, eyes all swollen, he couldn't sleep.

He remember coming back home yesterday, with two police men by his side and a blood stained sweat shirt in his hands. His mum was at the door, looking as confused as a jigged tadpole.

She was at the door with the two policemen, trying to understand what was going on. Jade didn't even say a word, he sluggishly walked up stairs, into his room and effortlessly laid on the bed. Peter's grey sweat shirt was still with him, a side around the neck was stained with blood, Peter's blood.
Jade laid on his bed, swallowing himself up in self guilt. Why did he allow Peter to go into the cafeteria alone?
Tears gathered at the corners of his eyes, rolling down across his nose, soaking the sheets as it dropped on the bed.

He looked across the room, on the wooden reading table close to the standing mirror, there stood a frame, it was a picture of Thompson. He hated himself more after seeing it. He hated himself more for not being there when he was supposed to, he blamed himself for being a coward.

He just laid on the bed, squeezing in Peter's shirt, crying.

There was a knock on the door.
"Jade, come downstairs. There are people here to see you" it was his mum, she knew how broken her son was, so she tried her best to be gentle.
Jade stood up from the bed, walked out of the room, not even saying a word to his mother who kept staring at him soberly till he made his way down the flight of stairs.

There were two policemen waiting in the living room, same ones that escorted him home from school the other night. They were both putting on lofty smiles on their faces but Jade didn't fancy any of it. The young man was barely hanging on after Thompson died. Now, all that held his sanity were almost completely eroded.

"Good morning young man" one of the police men greeted. Jade didn't even look at him, he was just there, lost in nothingness.
"We'd like to talk to you... about what happened last night....."
"We understand the whole thing is still hard for you to process but we need to know what exactly happened" the second police man added.
Jade just sat there, on one of the hairy couches, silently staring at the both of them

Jade's mum on the other hand was still standing in front of Jade's room, afraid to enter - there was a bold sign on the door that read *DO NOT ENTER!*
But she was his mother after all, what's the worst that could possibly happen? She thought.
So she walked in, taking one slow step at a time.
The first thing she noticed was the blood stained sweatshirt on the bed. She picked it up, examined it as though she was a detective searching for clues.
She then noticed the frame on the reading table. She didn't know who it was but she wasn't surprised. She barely knows anything about her son.
She sighed "What am I even doing here?" she muttered to herself, almost leaving until she noticed a blue coloured hardcover at one edge of the table
She inquisitively opened it, flipping it's pages to know it's content. It was Jade's dairy.

She flipped to the last entry, judging from the date, it was clearly written yesterday. It read

"Dear dairy,
I'm perplexed. My heart has never been this heavy. I fear the kind of monster I'm becoming.
My mind has been uneased since what happened the last time, but this particular one just makes me wonder how much of a beast I've become.
Well, enough with the long pity talk.
I killed an innocent person today. I thought he knew about it but it turned out he had no clue at all. I can't come to forgive myself for what i did...
I'm sorry "

She stood in shock...
She didn't understand what she just read.
What did Jade do?

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