S1 Ep9: Who Is It?

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A cosy, comfy night, silence engulfing the entire neighborhood, the rushing wind quarrelling with the window panes, dogs barking at the pitch of their voices; everywhere was calm but yet again noisy.
Jade was still fast asleep, rolling from one side of the bed to the other, dragging the blanket closer to keep him from the cold. Indeed it was freezing.
Sally laid gracefully on the rugged floor, it had managed to sneak itself inside Jade's room before he locked his door. That was the only reason why it'd ever get the chance of sleeping in his room
his mum called, impulsively waking up from his sleep
"What the fuck" he muttered to himself as he reached out for the alarm clock on a table close to his bed
"3.45..."he sighed, wondering why on earth his mum would be calling him by that odd time of the night
" Jade! "
she shouted again, this time even more louder
" Muuuum" he vexatiously answered.
His eyes weren't properly opened, he struggled to put on the lamb by the bed stand as he slided down his bed, stepping on Sally as his legs got to the ground. Sally growled at him, almost bitting of his little toe.
"Crazy cat! How the hell did you get here"
"Shuuu. Get out!" He yelled, opening the door for it to leave.
He sluggishly climbed down the stairs, placing one foot on one stair till he finally got to the sitting room.
"What is it mum?"
"Jade!" she called out from the basement
"You're in the basement?" he asked but didn't get a reply
"what the fuck is she looking for in the basement by this goddamm time" he angrily muttered to himself.
He was already getting pissed by what ever his mum was doing. Waking him up by 3.45 just to come down to the cellar.
But he still had to go, she was his mum after all.
"Mum. Are you down here?" he asked as he carefully walked down the stairs, into the basement. It was dark, so he had to waver his hands around like a blind man, lest he bumped into one of the many old stuff his mum had abandoned there for ages.
He suddenly heard a voice whisper from behind
"Not your mum boy"
"Who's there?"
"It's nice meeting you again...Jade!"
" Who are you? "
" Oh how sweet of you to ask boy"
"Well I'm just here to talk" it hoarsely added
"Wha.. What do you want?" Jade stammered in fear. It's 3.45 in the morning and he's in a dark basement conversing with someone he'd never met, who on earth wouldn't stammer.
"How naive of you...."it laughed at his stammery
" Bring the dairy to the school play ground by 12am tomorrow... Don't let me come here again....don't let me boy! "it warned as it's voice slowly faded.
The light suddenly turned on and Jade got the biggest scare of his life
It was his mum, standing angrily in front of him.
" Jade? What are you doing down here? "
" Nothing mum" he puffed, still panting
"Are you sleep walking again?"
"No mum... I"
"Just go back to your room. Now!"
She angrily ordered, not even giving him a proper chance to speak.
The confused boy sluggishly walked back to his room the same way he came. The confusion in his eyes were traumatising.
*What just happened?*
He wondered in fear.

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