S1 Ep3: It's A Lie, Isn't It?

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A week has swiftly gone by in a twinkle of an eye. News letters now fly arround, mandating that all students were to resume as classes resumed immediately.
Everyone thought the break would last longer. Some were happy to go back others weren't. Jade on the other hand hasn't fully recovered from whatever happened on that awful day.

Back in school, things were not as they used to be. Everything changed.
The most evident of all being Thompson's gang, theirs were drastic. They hardly said a word, always at a quiet corner, they were outrightly broken. They never really caused much trouble when Thompson was around, but now he's gone and it felt like their purpose of existence left with him.
The school system wasn't left on touched. Classes, recess, assemblies, socail days, closing hours, everything. They all either became less fun or more suffocating than they used to be.
One obvious thing that didn't change was the gossip gang,'The school parrots' as they were popularly known. They didn't relent, their gossip didn't sieze. They were always on time to spread their 'news', true or untrue.

Soon, news began to spread like wild fire, "Thompson was used for some sort of ritual act!" that was the news flying around the whole school. Everyone bought it. Though some like Jade had a few doubts, they all later submitted to the news the school parrots perpetuated. It was a ritual act, that was what they all belived.

Jade was a bit cautious of what he said and who he said them to. You wouldn't blame him, no one wants to end up like Thompson. "He's weird. There's no way I'm letting him come with us" a faint voice whispered behind Jade. He turned to see, it was the school parrots. "Hey, Jade right?" Anna the leader of the gang asked as she approached him, giving him a smile that didn't really seem genuine. Jade nodded her a 'yes'. "The guy is a freak" the same voice muttered at the back. It was kate. Anna's best friend. Everyone ignored and Anna continued "We've been watching you since the incident happened. You've been more disturbed than any of us. Is there anything you'd like us to know? Maybe something you alone could possibly know" yes, her inference wasn't at all cliché, Jade was Thompson's closest friend, he ought to have known more than others.
"I don't know anything, please leave me alone." Jade said, already walking out on them "I wouldn't do that if I were you."Anna warned." Hope you still remember who we're...". " The school parrots " kate added in." If you still care about your reputation in this school then I'm sure you'd want to do exactly as I say"she smiles and clears hear throat. "Meet us at the volley ball court after closing hours. Don't make us wait cuz you wouldn't like what would follow" she said, blowing him a kiss as they all giggled and left.
Jade stood, watching them leave the cafeteria. Unsure of what to do, he could feel fear crawling under his skin.

The closing hours came, and with it, Jade's little appointment with the school parrots. "Here he is, our guest of the day" Kate mockingly said,making bowing gestures "What do you guys want from me?" Jade asked with naivety and an already cracked voice.
"It's simple my love. Tell us what really happened to Thompson." Anna said
"I don't know"
"Lair!" kate attacked
"How would you like to see your name in our next blog,*Jade the freak... Jade the killer!*" Anna threatened
"I didn't kill Thompson"
"Then who did?"
"I already told you. I don't know"
"Fine. I believe you" Anna said, crafting out a pale smile. "You'll help us uncover the mystery behind his death.
We'll be in school till it gets dark, all of us." she annouced.
"I can't do that, my mum..." he's interupted by kate "That wasn't a request... It was an order"
Just like Jade, not every member of the group liked the idea of passing a night in school but none of them dared utter a word. Anna's word was final and they knew it.

ECLIPSED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora