Taehyung, who had been watching Lisa intently, rushed after her and slipped into the lift once again as the doors closed. He took her hand and drew her closer, declaring, "You're amazing." Lisa, taken aback, lightly pushed him away, the lift opened, and Lisa entered her room, with Taehyung following closely behind.

As they settled inside the room, Lisa sat down at her desk, while Taehyung pulled up a chair beside her. He swiftly grabbed the pen from her desk and pocketed it, prompting Lisa to sigh in irritation. "Alright, enough. Tell me, what do you want?" she asked, clearly exasperated. He gazed at her with adoring eyes and said, "You and me, out on a date. That's what I want." Lisa shook her head, rejecting his request. "No, sir. That's not happening," she replied firmly. Taehyung, puzzled, asked, "But why not? What's the problem? Any woman would love to go on a date with me, so why not you?"

Lisa explained, "Sir, you're Kim Taehyung. You're the most handsome man, and it's not hard to like you. But you're also a celebrity. I like you a lot, but do you think your fans would approve of me dating their favorite idol?" Taehyung looked surprised and countered, "If my fans truly love me, they wouldn't judge you. It's my life, and I can date whomever, whenever and wherever I want." Lisa smiled and asked, "Can I ask you something?" He nodded, and she continued, "Why do you want to go on a date with me?" Taehyung shared, "My mother, who was a doctor, always told me to become a doctor when I grew up. She said they're the most stable people. But I didn't like science; I was more into singing, dancing, and rapping. When I saw you, I saw what my mother meant. I admire your independence and knowledge. Plus, you're pretty hot, so I think you'd be good for me." Moved by his words, Lisa expressed, "I love you as an idol, you know as V, but I want to know you as a person. I want to see the real you, not just the idol." Taehyung leaned his head on her hands, touched by her words. "That's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me," he remarked, before asking for her number. Lisa obliged and gave her number to him. "Now please go, I have to work." Lisa said and Taehyung nodded. He kissed her on the cheek and then ran out of her room and Lisa sat there, she couldn't believe what had just happened. "I just talked to the Kim Taehyung, and he kissed me," she thought excitedly. Overwhelmed, she decided to share the news with her friends, thinking, "God, I love him so much."

In the evening, Jennie and Jisoo were already back home, having prepared dinner for all three of them. They had changed into comfortable clothes and were now watching the last episode of "Guardian: The Lonely and Great God" while catching up on some work on their tablet and laptop.

The doorbell rang and Jisoo got up to answer it. "Hey, Lisa," she greeted, opening the door. Lisa entered and hugged Jisoo tightly, who hugged her back, albeit with a confused expression. "Is everything okay?" Jisoo inquired. Lisa nodded, releasing her hug. "Is Jennie unnie home?" she asked eagerly. Jisoo confirmed that Jennie was indeed home, prompting Lisa to squeal in excitement. "Amazing. I have to tell you guys something very important," Lisa exclaimed. Jisoo shook her head, chuckling, and headed to the dining room, while Lisa went to her room after exchanging hugs with her as well.

When Jisoo returned to the living room, Jennie looked at her with a knowing expression. "Please tell me you know why Lili hugged me so tightly right after coming back from the hospital," Jennie asked. Jisoo shook her head, grabbing plates and bowls from the kitchen for dinner, as Jennie rolled her eyes. "You know what I think?" She exclaimed, drawing Jisoo's attention. "What?" who asked, intrigued. Jennie picked up her laptop and Jisoo's tablet, gesturing dramatically. "I think someone came back to life from death, that's why she's so happy today. It's a miracle. How amazing and wonderful," Jennie joked, and they both chuckled.

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