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In Earth Con:-

"What's the matter, sir?" Jisoo inquired, her curiosity piqued. Jin gently took her wrist and locked eyes with her, his voice soft yet firm, "Will you accompany me on a date?" Jisoo blinked, taken aback, "I'm sorry?" Jin moved closer, his gaze unwavering, "What did you understand, Jisoo-ssi?"

"Jisoo-ah, are you joining us for lunch?" A voice called out from behind. Jisoo turned to see Irene beckoning her. Before she could respond, Jin pulled her back, positioning himself close behind her. He addressed Irene, "Would you mind if I take your friend out for a date?" Irene, surprised, stuttered, "N-no, sir. Please, go ahead." With that, Irene hurried away, leaving Jisoo standing there, flustered. "So, would you consider going out with me?" Jin whispered into Jisoo's ear, his breath sending a shiver down her spine. She pulled away, flustered, "Sir, please let me go." Jin, undeterred, held her waist, drawing her closer, and slipped something into her pocket. "If you're interested, call me Jisoo-ssi," he said, admiration evident in his eyes. With that, he released her, and Jisoo fled. As Jin watched her leave, he smirked, stepping outside, "Oh, Kim Jisoo, only I know the depth of my feelings for you."

In Seoul Hospital:-

Taehyung sank into the sofa, a sense of impending doom settling over him. "God, Jimin is going to kill me." He cradled his  head in his hands when a melodious voice interrupted his thoughts. "Is your head still bothering you, Mr. Kim?"

Looking up, Taehyung found himself captivated by Lisa's enchanting smile. "Good lord, she's stunning," he thought, clearing his throat. "Yes, actually. My head has been throbbing since last night. I fear it might be serious. Could you check me out.... I mean, would you mind checking me?" Lisa, with a gentle shake of her head, replied, "I'm sorry, Mr. Kim. I'm a pediatrician. I treat children, so I wouldn't be able to help you. However, you can schedule an appointment with one of our doctors here. They can certainly assist you." She smiled warmly and headed towards the elevator.

Uncertain of what to do next, Taehyung hurriedly got up and followed her into the lift. As they rode in silence, the elevator halted at the third floor, admitting two nurses. Taehyung chose to remain silent, listening as the nurses greeted Lisa, who reciprocated their pleasantries. Upon reaching the fourth floor, Lisa exited the lift, with Taehyung trailing behind. She disappeared into her office, closing the door in his face. He knocked gently, poking his head through the crack. "Ms. Lisa, please, may I come in?" Lisa met his gaze, gently shaking her head. "No, Mr. Kim. You came here for your treatment. Please, go and get yourself examined. I treat kids and you're an adult." With a disappointed frown, Taehyung withdrew, leaving Lisa to her paperwork, a smile playing on her lips.

Half an hour had passed, and Taehyung found himself wandering the corridors, puzzled about how to approach Lisa. The nurses eyed him oddly, clearly wondering why an adult was lingering in the children's section, especially without a medical purpose. Suddenly, a nurse rushed into Lisa's room, and shortly after, she also hurried downstairs. Curiously, Taehyung also followed them and ended up on the ground floor, in the emergency section.

Outside the closed doors, he peered through the glass, watching as a boy lay on a bed, continuously vomiting. Lisa approached, swiftly administering an injection that seemed to stabilize the boy. With his breathing returning to normal, she reviewed his previous reports. Stepping outside, she approached a man who seemed to be the boy's father. "Are you Jeonghyun's father?" she asked. The man nodded anxiously, "Yes, I am. What's wrong with my son?" Lisa explained, "Sir, your son has severe food poisoning due to a prolonged unhealthy diet. We've managed to stabilize him for now. I'll prescribe some medications, and he should recover soon. He's resting at the moment, but you can see him once he wakes up." Relieved, Jeonghyun's father thanked her. "Thank you, doctor," he said. Lisa smiled warmly, "No problem, sir. Take care of Jeonghyun," she advised before heading towards the lift.

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