
My dad is hurt. I wasn't ready for news like that, he's one of the greatest knights, one of the strongest and bravest...nothing could hurt him! Or so I thought. I come into the office finding him on a chair, his skin is pale and yellowish, one of his eyes is bruised and his chest is covered with bloody bandages. My mouth drops open for a second, I close it again having nothing to say. It hurts seeing him like this but I don't know how to react, should I cry? Should I stay strong and emotionless? Suddenly the warmth of a hand holding mine soothes me a little. Ryuko...she's always there for me.

-"Faythe"-my dad says his voice sounding weak.

-"Yes father?"-I reply trying to seem strong, or at least like I'm not about to burst into tears.

-"I have a mission for you, they told me you have become stronger so finally you'll bring honor to our family"-he says not a trace of sweetness in his words, really? He's injured that bad and he only thinks of honor and me being useful somehow?

-"What mission is that?"-I reply trying to keep my tone neutral.

-"Go back to the town where the Queen will train you and prepare you to join her army in the attack of Hosho"-he explains and my eyes widen, the Queen?! I can't believe this...Ryuko squeezes my hand gently and I turn to look at her, her eyes tell me everything, this is the perfect chance to save Hosho.

-"I will accept the quest with one condition, I won't go alone, my friends are coming with me"-I say firmly, my father seems surprised at first but nods agreeing. Having nothing else to do here we go out.

-"Your friends isn't too many people?"-Ryuko says as we walk down the hall.

-"We need all the help that we can get, I trust them..."-

-"You're right"-she sighs.

-"We're going on a quest together, get on my way and I'll kill you"-Min says half joking half serious.

-"We need to talk"-I announce them firmly, they turn around and look at me surprised, well I don't usually act like this...

-"Alright, come with me I know a place where we can talk without anyone spying on us"-Moonlight comments, now I'm the one surprised. Spying?

-"Why would someone spy on us?"-Ruth asks.

-"Queen's orders...being the little sister of the headmistress isn't so bad in the end"-Moonlight explains as we follow her, Natasha is too quiet, she always is, but this silence...is different, something is definetely wrong with her. We follow Sarah until we get to the gardens, then she opens a door hidden behind roses and we head into a secret passage, it's so dark in here...

-"Careful, there's steps down here"-Moonlight warns as I hear Ruth trip and Min curse, Natasha's breathing is a little heavy.

-"Nat? Are you alright?"-I ask her softly.

-"Yes don't worry"-she answers quickly not looking at me.

-"Faythe watch your step"-Ryuko warns me and I realize she can see perfectly in the dark, Moonlight's steps sound confident...she knows this place by heart. Finally she opens a door and we get inside a room, I can't see much but my eyesight in the dark isn't terrible either. When Sarah turns the torches on we find ourselves surrounded by very old furniture, armors, weapons of all sorts and paintings covered in dust. What is this place?

-"Welcome to my lovely hideaway"-Moonlight smiles sitting down on a red with golden sofa.

-"Yes, lovely indeed!"-Min replies sarcastically, Ruth and Ryuko look around curiously and Natasha stands as far as she can from Moonlight.

-"Listen everyone, I must tell you something...really important, I trust you..."-I begin to speak trying to keep myself calm, I do trust them but I don't know how they'll react.

-"You're pregnant!"-Min blurts.

-"What?! Who's the father?!"-Ruth follows.

-"Congratulations"-Moonlight smirks.

-"Wait what? No! That's not it!"-I protest blushing.

-"Come on don't be shy Stea, tell us was he hot?"-Moonlight says still smirking, seriously?

-"Silence! This is serious so please stop acting like children"-Ryuko hisses standing by my side.

-"Someone's jealous"-Min says making her blush.

-"What? Who? Me? Of course not!"-she retorts still blushed. Everyone bursts out laughing, this is not helping...

-"Please...this is serious, Hosho is in danger and we are supposed to help destroy it...but I don't agree, spirits are not bad! Those who attacked humans were deffending themselves! We must save them, and I want you all to help me"-as I say this they all stop laughing and grow dead serious.

-"How do you know they are not evil?"-Min asks.

-"Because one of them saved our lives!"-I reply thinking of Zethyr, I notice Ryuko is tense.

-"Faythe if they are going to work with us...they should know"-she says looking into my eyes.

-"Know what?"-Min looks at her confused.

-"Ryuko...are you sure is the best idea?"-

-"Maybe not the best one but it's fair with them"-she walks to me and takes a deep breath.

-"You can trust us Ryuko"-Ruth says smiling warmly, isn't she a little ray of sunlight?

-"I'm not completely human...I'm a dragon girl"-she says and I hold her hand squeezing it gently.

-"You're a what?"-Min blinks shocked.

-"That means you can breathe out fire? Does that hurt your throat?"-Ruth asks in a rather enthusiastic way.

-"Really Ru? That's what you're worried about?"-Min raises one eyebrow.

-"Yes Ruth, I can breathe out fire...and it only hurts a little"-Ryuko replies smiling at her.

-"Well if it's time for confessions...I have one to make"-Moonlight says standing up, I wasn't expecting this...but there again, she is a mystery to me.

-"I'm a half spirit, my mother was a night spirit"-Moonlight says her hair now glowing white. I was not expecting that at all...

-"That's why you were so weird, but I like you like that"-Ruth says innocently, how can that girl be so cute at the same time she can kill you in your sleep? Another mystery to me...

-"What?"-Natasha looks at her wide eyed.

-"I was planning on telling you later...I swear..."-Moonlight tries talking to her but Natasha doesn't seem to be listening.

-"Girls...we can solve that later, I need to know...will you help me? Is everyone in?"-I ask trying to avoid the shaking of my voice, I really need their help.

-"I'm in!"-Ruth says raising her hand.

-"Count me in"-Moonlight smiles bright.

-"Me too"-Natasha answers after sighing.

-"You don't even have to ask"-Ryuko says half smiling.

We all turn to look at Min who has her arms crossed and her eyes closed, please Min...

-"What the hell...I'm in"-she finally says and I smile relieved.

-"Perfect! All we need is a plan"-I can't stop smiling, I'm really happy I have them as friends, each one of them is a brave warrior and they all carry light in their hearts...I'm sure together we can save Hosho.

Hey there! I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment! And wear a bright smile because you are wonderful.

With much love Bel :3

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