Fall of the Status Quo

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"I can assume that convincing is hard to come by amongst these people. It makes me worry about how deep they are into their conspiracy theories to the point where they don't even want to acknowledge anything contrary to them no matter what you say or do. You really couldn't find anything that would get through to them?" Christina said, sounding more than a little bit concerned that her adopted daughter couldn't get through to the more stubborn members of these groups.

"No. They preach this nonsense of believing that they don't have to answer to the law and, they just seriously contradict themselves. In all honesty, sovereign citizens count as domestic terrorists." She replied stoically, her expressions unemotional and calculating as she delved into detail at what would fit the definition of a sovereign citizen.

"It's scary to think that there are more people than just the ones you've met that think that they can get away with committing crimes and that the laws don't apply to them, at least to the point where they think that they can outright resist the law enforcement against them." Christina said, sounding very concerned about how many people are getting sucked into these conspiracies and how dangerous that could become.

"They only emerged after my first appearance. Unintended consequences of me doing what I do. But what I do is protect others, they exist to cause trouble." Kaitlyn replied, highlighting the difference in what she does versus what they do.

"They might have emerged after your first appearance but it doesn't mean they don't have their own agenda. They still have their own plans, and that's the part that scares me. You might have inadvertently given them a reason to go after you specifically, given that now they want to silence you before you find out or uncover any more information about their movements or about them in general."

"It's only natural for them to try and silence you now that you're interfering with their operations and causing them problems. It's a dangerous situation."

"They see me as a personal challenge. I'm going to have to stay a step ahead. The night before when I first encountered them, some have tried to shoot me, but too bad they ended up with missing teeth and broken limbs. Sure, they're still alive, but they sure had some sense beaten into them." Kaitlyn replied with sass.

"So now you're likely public enemy number one for the entire gang of them. It seems they might start hunting for you to take you out. If they do figure out who you are, it's not impossible for them to find out where the Batcave is and it won't be easy for you to stop all of them." Christina said, feeling even more concerned for her adopted daughter's safety because this new information was making it sound like these sovereign citizens may become a bigger problem in the near future than she realized.

"Then I would have to stay several steps ahead and anticipate them ahead of time. I always have a plan." Kaitlyn answered sharply with confidence in herself.

"I'm not afraid of them, they are. They're after me because they know I cannot be stopped. They're scared because I'm the big boogeyman that is using their tactics against them." She adds.

"Okay." Christina replied slowly. "While I can't fault your confidence, I can't ignore my parental instinct to worry about you."

"Can you at least make sure to stay somewhere safe in-between patrols? So I can have some peace of mind when you're not out protecting people and putting yourself in danger?" Christina tried to appeal to her adopted daughter's sense of compassion.

"I'll be alright. Trust me." Kaitlyn replied bluntly with a nod, watching the monitors closely, creasing her brows slightly as the billionaire looks closely towards one of the monitor screens that showed surveillance footage at the NYPD jail cell where the sovereign citizens and other criminals she catches are staying at.

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