Speculation part 1

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During the morning after her first appearance hours after having a conversation with the spirit of her deceased mother via EVP communications, billionaire-CEO of Chang Enterprises and renowned paleontologist Kaitlyn Chang, would wake up and yawn from the nightly patrol of her first appearance the previous night as now everyone was talking about her vigilante alter ego.

She got up out of bed and poured herself a cup of coffee as she continued to listen in on the radio, keeping her identity a secret from everyone.

The headlines read as such:

"Who Is Batwoman? Vigilante Spotted in Times Square"

"Police are investigating a vigilante sighting in Times Square. This vigilante is said to be seen wearing what looks like a bat-themed costume, and appears to be very skilled at fighting."

A photo of the vigilante had been circulated amongst several news outlets.

The news anchor on the radio then said, "Just a warning... It's reported that this vigilante... known as Batwoman... is extremely skilled when it comes to combat. So if you do see them, it's advised that you don't engage. Report any sightings to the local authorities immediately."

The longer she hears about it, the more Kaitlyn snorts to herself that finally, no one suspects that Batwoman and her are the same person as she made sure of it to keep those two aspects of her separate.

"She's got them talking, which is surprising," she thought to herself as she drank her coffee, leaning against her chair.

The news anchor then said the following:

"A few of our listeners want to ask this very important question... If the police are unable to do their job, who is to stop these criminals that this Batwoman has been attacking? Is she a hero or dangerous criminal? And is this vigilante a man or woman? We don't know... what do you think?"

The longer she listened, the more it seemed everyone was talking about her alter ego, especially with her supposed ability to fly and disappear into thin air, adding to the mystery and fear that she instills into the city's criminals, as if spitting in their faces that she's dethroned them as the big boogeyman.

Suddenly, the news anchor said this:

"We have just received the first picture of the vigilante known as Batwoman... let's take a look."

The screen was then displayed with the photo of the vigilante being shown after Kaitlyn turned on the TV.

The photo of the vigilante appeared on the screen as the news anchor said, "It's not clear who this new vigilante is, but it seems to be a woman. This is the first time the vigilante was photographed in the act of attacking. Some people have speculated a famous socialite is behind the mask. Could you imagine who it could be?"

Thankfully, Kaitlyn had kept that aspect a mystery, as no one would seem to know who the vigilante was since she's keeping suspicions off of her to avoid her identity being discovered while finishing up her coffee.

The news anchor continued, "Some experts have pointed out that this vigilante carries herself like a rich and famous person. It appears she's been seen wearing a rather luxurious outfit and appears to have expensive equipment as well. What kind of expensive outfit and equipment is she wearing? Could she be a billionaire?"

Kaitlyn occasionally finished her coffee and got dressed into her business outfit, appearing in the attire of a businesswoman with sunglasses.

Fully dressed in her high heels, she made her way out to her expensive car and drove off to Chang Enterprises to start her day of work after turning off the TV.

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