Storm's Coming

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(4 months later)

Most people in the city love her the longer her reputation began growing from there. However some of the city's corrupt officials, particularly those aligned with Blake Cheng, are not so thrilled.

"Something must be done." The mayor says, "Something legal but discreet."

One of his advisors tells him...

"Find out who she is, and blackmail her. That should get her to stop for good."

The more and more the people love her, the more nervous their corrupt politicians get. One particularly brazen council member says...

"She's making us look bad. We need to get rid of her. Permanently."

Several of the corrupt police officers in the room nod in agreement.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Kaitlyn said in a voice of authority and determination, standing far away in the corner with her cape draped around her body as her alter ego.

The pointy eared mask with her mouth guard attached made it hard to decipher her identity, let alone her emotions.

Her version of the Batsuit was a remodeled Nomex survival suit with a bit of armored plating to it, as it was a suit made of a Kevlar weave with ceramic plates centered around the bat symbol with the inclusion of a holographic screen projector in the right gauntlet that allowed her to communicate with the NYPD face to face.

The tri-weave bodysuit that she wore consists of an outer and inner layer made from a titanium-dipped tri-weave fiber mesh. Sandwiched in between is the MR-fluid based liquid armor system. The proprietary ChangTech Smart MR-fluid hardens in response to impacts, specifically designed to provide superior shock absorption, as well as enabling greater force delivery behind counterattacks, as it is also more flexible than the ceramic or fiber-based alternatives, allowing for greater maneuverability and faster elimination of multiple targets in quick succession (Fear Takedowns).

The cowl she wore also was made of a slight mix of titanium metal and Kevlar ceramic plating, allowing her slightly more protection than Batman's own costume, and her cape itself was larger and when expanded and splayed on the ground any time she drapes her body, made her look scary and colder, maybe aggressive as her eyes narrow sharply at the corrupt mayor.

Half of the council members gasp at the realization that she's nearby and has been listening in on their meeting.

The mayor himself looks at her solemnly as he realizes she was listening in the entire time.

"She's here!" He gasps.

"How does she always know about what we're talking about?! This city is going to hell." One of the corrupt cops exclaims.

The mayor tries to keep his composure as he responds to her...

"Look here young lady, either you stop what you're doing, or there will be consequences."

"You're scared of me because you can't control me. And that's why you're afraid. Well, I can't be bribed or corrupted, that I'll make sure of." Kaitlyn stated flatly with a cold tone.

Many of the corrupt leaders laugh. "How can a small little girl like you ever scare us?"

One of them says...

"You probably never had a father figure growing up to teach you your place."

Another one says... "All women must be subservient to us men."

And the entire male council begins chuckling and applauding to these sexist comments.

"Do I look scared?" Kaitlyn mocked with a gruffer voice as Batwoman, glaring sharply under the mask, her expressions flat and unemotional before she follows up by saying:

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