A Journey Begins: Act Two

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Felix could tell, from the smile on her face and the look in her eyes, she knew he was in love with Charlotte.

[Felix:] Ooh, uh, yeah me just gut distracted easily.

[Lolly:] Sure you do...

Felix felt really embarrassed while looking back at Charlotte.

[Lolly:] A word of advice Felix... you shouldn't wait too long.

[Felix:] Gotcha.

[Lolly:] Charlotte! You're up.

Charlotte got up from under the tree trunk, sword in hand.

[Charlotte:] I'm not much of a fighter, but I hope I'm at least decent.

[Francis:] Just don't get yourself chopped into pieces.

[Lightblade:] You're up next Francis!

Francis hesitantly gets up from under the shade of a tree trunk. Bonnie backs away, still puzzled.

[Mendo:] The Dawnbreaker is training now.

[Mr. Chipper:] This should be good.

[Lightblade:] Is this the first time you've wielded a sword?

[Francis:] Not really. Surprisingly I was a much better sword wielder than Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] Oh yeah, I could never beat him in any play fight.

[Lightblade:] I see... hold your weapon firmly.

Francis does what he is told, even though he doesn't want to.

[Lightblade:] If it wasn't obvious already, you are naturally exceptional in combat. It runs through your blood.

[Francis:] I already knew that.

[Lightblade:] Good. When wielding your weapon always keep a balance.

Lightblade gets into a battle stance. Francis does the same.

[Lightblade:] Keep your sword in a firm grip, never let it go.

Lightblade twirls his blade around while Francis just stares.

[Lightblade:] Watch your surroundings, always be on guard, and most importantly never lose focus.

[Francis:] I really don't want to do this.

[Lightblade:] There's no escaping battle Francis Dawnbreaker. Whether you like it or not, this is an important lesson to learn. Are you ready?

[Francis:] But I really don't-

Lightblade gives a few swings. Francis dodges quickly and twirls behind him.

[Francis:] Do not-

Lightblade strikes him, but Francis blocks on instinct. Everyone kept their eyes on Francis as he blocked and rolled out of harm's way.

[Bonnie:] Uh Goldane...

[Goldane:] Don't help him.

[Bonnie:] But-

[Goldane:] Just wait and see.

Francis started deflecting Lightblade's attacks. He was then hit with a sweep kick and fell on his back. Bonnie, Charlotte, Felix, and the rest were stunned by Francis possibly getting hurt after the fall.

[Lightblade:] Come on. Get up Francis.

Francis slowly got back up to his feet.

[Balla:] Lightblade, don't you think you should be a little easy on him?

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